Peace Wave 2024: A Global Movement for Peace and Unity

On June 22-23, 2024, the International Peace Bureau and World BEYOND War held the third annual 24-hour Peace Wave, a global event dedicated to promoting peace and opposing military buildup. This extraordinary event unfolded over a 24-hour Zoom marathon, featuring live peace actions in various locations around the world, moving westward every two hours. Participants engaged in different ways to spread the word of PEACE. Each segment throughout the event concluded with a live Q&A session, fostering real-time interaction and engagement.

The 2024 Peace Wave took place against the backdrop of the RIMPAC military exercises in the Pacific and the lead-up to protests against NATO’s 75th anniversary Summit in Washington, D.C., in July. The event aimed to support global peace initiatives and oppose military alliances like NATO and AUKUS, which are contributing to global military buildup and conflicts.

Event Overview

  • Europe and Africa (13:00 – 15:00 UTC) The Peace Wave kicked off with peace actions in the UK, contributions from Ireland around the topic of neutrality, followed by a panel with activists from Nigeria, Sierra Leone, Ghana, and peace actions from Cameroon and Djibouti. This segment highlighted the diverse approaches to peacebuilding in different cultural and geopolitical contexts.
  • South America (15:00 – 17:00 UTC) The event then moved to South America, featuring actions from Chile, Brazil, Argentina, Peru, and Colombia. A large solidarity March with Palestine was held in Santiago de Chile, the session was enriched with songs.
  • North America (Eastern Time Zone) (17:00 – 19:00 UTC) In the USA and Canada, the Eastern Time Zone saw a variety of activities. A notable segment was led by Kathy Kelly, who moderated discussions and live interactions with peace advocates. In addition to videos of peace walks, live outdoor rallies, and Q&A sessions.
  • Mexico, Central America, and the Caribbean (19:00 – 21:00 UTC) The Peace Wave continued through Mexico, Central America, and the Caribbean, where peace activists held numerous events that emphasized the importance of regional cooperation and grassroots activism in promoting peace and justice.
  • North America (Pacific and Mountain Time Zones) (21:00 – 23:00 UTC) In the Pacific and Mountain Time Zones of the USA and Canada, the Peace Wave featured contributions from activists like Elizabeth Murray, who shared insights from Ground Zero and the Peace Pagoda. Notable segments included a video presentation from the Peace Caravan and an anti-war demonstration in Portland, Oregon.
  • Hawaii and Guam (23:00 – 01:00 UTC) The event moved to Hawaii and Guam, where peace activists engaged and elaborated on their work to promote peace globally. These segments highlighted the strategic importance of these regions in global military dynamics and emphasized the local efforts to promote peace and demilitarization.
  • Australia and New Zealand (01:00 – 03:00 UTC) In Australia and New Zealand, the Peace Wave featured a variety of activities and events. These events underscored the role of cultural heritage and indigenous wisdom in peacebuilding efforts.
  • Japan and South Korea (03:00 – 05:00 UTC) The segment in Japan and South Korea included a video presentation by the Japan Council against A & H Bombs (Gensuikyo) and a pre-recorded video about Japan by Joseph Essertier. This was followed by a live Q&A session with contributors from Gangjeong Village on Jeju Island, highlighting local resistance to militarization and the impact of global military policies on local communities.
  • Southeast Asia (05:00 – 07:00 UTC) In Southeast Asia, peace activists from the Philippines, Cambodia, and Myanmar organized various events, with peace activists engagements. These activities focused on regional conflicts and the need for peaceful resolution through dialogue and cooperation.
  • South Asia (07:00 – 09:00 UTC) The South Asia segment included contributions from Bangladesh, Nepal, India, Sri Lanka, and Pakistan. Highlights included a panel discussion on regional cooperation and peace, featuring messages and videos from various individuals and organizations. This segment emphasized the interconnectedness of regional peace efforts and the importance of collective action.
  • Central Asia and the Middle East (09:00 – 11:00 UTC) The Peace Wave then moved to Central Asia and the Middle East, with activities and contributions from Israel, Palestine, Jordan, and Syria, focusing on the ongoing conflicts and the urgent need for peace and reconciliation in these regions.
  • Russia, Ukraine, the Nordic Region, and Central Europe (11:00 – 13:00 UTC) The final segments included contributions from peace activists from Russia and Ukraine, a video describing the worrying militarisation of the Nordic Region, and several speeches and actions from Kosovo, Romania, Germany, Spain, Switzerland, and Italy. This part of the event featured powerful speeches and demonstrations, highlighting the global nature of the peace movement. Contributions from Ukraine and Russia underscored the need for dialogue and understanding amidst the ongoing conflict.

Context, Significance, and Importance:

In a world often fraught with conflict, violence, and political tension, the role of peace activities and campaigns cannot be overstated. Initiatives like the annual 24-hour Peace Wave, serve as critical platforms for advocating peace, fostering global solidarity, and challenging the pervasive culture of war. These efforts are essential not only for preventing conflicts but also for building a sustainable future grounded in mutual respect and understanding.

 Promoting Awareness and Education: One of the most significant impacts of peace activities is raising awareness about the devastating consequences of war and the benefits of peaceful resolutions. Educational components, such as panel discussions, workshops, and cultural events, help disseminate knowledge about the complexities of conflicts and the importance of diplomacy and negotiation. For instance, during the Peace Wave event, various segments were dedicated to discussing the impacts of military alliances like NATO and AUKUS, and the necessity of global cooperation to address these issues. By educating the public, these campaigns empower individuals to advocate for peaceful policies and support nonviolent solutions in their communities.

Encouraging Global Solidarity and Collaboration: Peace campaigns often bring together a diverse range of participants from different countries and cultural backgrounds, fostering a sense of global solidarity. This unity is vital in addressing the root causes of conflict, such as inequality, injustice, and resource scarcity. The Peace Wave, for example, featured live peace actions from dozens of locations worldwide, including rallies, concerts, and public demonstrations. This global participation not only highlights the universal desire for peace but also demonstrates the power of collective action in challenging the status quo and pushing for systemic change.

Challenging Militarism and the Arms Industry: A core objective of many peace campaigns is to challenge the normalization of militarism and the influence of the arms industry on global politics. By opposing military build-ups and the proliferation of weapons, these activities aim to redirect resources towards more constructive and humanitarian endeavors. The Peace Wave specifically targeted military exercises underscoring the urgent need to reduce military spending and promote disarmament. Such actions spotlight the disproportionate impact of militarization on marginalized communities and the environment, advocating for a shift towards policies that prioritize human security and well-being.

Inspiring Future Generations: Engaging youth in peace activities is essential for sustaining long-term peacebuilding efforts. By involving young people in dialogues, educational programs, and activism, these campaigns nurture a new generation of peace advocates. The inclusive nature of events like the Peace Wave, which features contributions from various age groups and communities, ensures that the message of peace resonates with and inspires future leaders. Empowering young people to champion peace not only secures the continuity of these efforts but also brings fresh perspectives and innovative solutions to the challenges of conflict.

Building a Culture of Peace: Ultimately, peace activities and campaigns contribute to the broader goal of building a culture of peace. This involves transforming societal values, norms, and institutions to prioritize peace over conflict. By celebrating and promoting peace, these campaigns help embed the principles of nonviolence, cooperation, and empathy into the social fabric. Events like the Peace Wave create opportunities for individuals to experience and practice these values, reinforcing the idea that peace is not just the absence of war but a proactive commitment to justice, equality, and human dignity.


The 2024 Peace Wave was a resounding success, bringing together peace activists from around the world in a unified call for peace and demilitarization. The event highlighted the importance of global cooperation, local activism, and the power of collective action in addressing the challenges of militarization and conflict. As the world continues to grapple with these issues, the Peace Wave serves as a beacon of hope and a reminder of the enduring human spirit’s capacity for peace and reconciliation.

You can visit the IPB YouTube Peace Wave 2024 Playlist to watch the full event.

A Weapons of Mass Destruction Free Zone in the Middle East: Toward Regional Cooperation and Peace

A Night of Insightful Discussions at IPB HQ, Berlin

On Friday, June 7, from 6 to 8 pm CEST, the International Peace Bureau (IPB) headquarters in Berlin buzzed excitedly as it hosted a pivotal event in collaboration with the Middle East Treaty Organization (METO) and the Rosa Luxemburg Foundation. Attendees, both in-person at Marienstr. 19-20 and virtually via Zoom, gathered for a stimulating evening centered on METO’s work and their visionary future plans.

METO’s Vision for a Peaceful Middle East

METO, a coalition of civil society activists and practitioners, is dedicated to creating a Middle East free of weapons of mass destruction. Their overarching goal is to foster a region characterized by peace, integration, and prosperity, grounded in human and environmental security. The organization advances its mission through a combination of policy advocacy and educational programs aimed at promoting regional security and peace.

Distinguished Speakers and Engaging Discussions

The event featured prominent speakers who shed light on METO’s impactful initiatives:

  • Sharon Dolev, Founder and Executive Director of METO and Council Member of IPB, shared insights into the organization’s foundational work and strategic direction.
  • Emad Kiyaei, Director of METO, discussed the critical role of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) in METO’s efforts and the broader vision for regional stability.
  • Asmaa Guedira, from Women’s Environment Leadership, emphasized the importance of integrating gender-based violence (GBV) prevention and the empowerment of women during times of conflict. She highlighted the need for raising awareness and fostering a climate of unity and equality in the Middle East.

The event was moderated by Sean Conner, IPB Executive Director, who guided the discussion and facilitated a Q&A session, allowing attendees to engage directly with the speakers.

Reflections on Past Efforts and Future Aspirations

Speakers reflected on previous peace efforts in the region, such as the significant meetings and decisions made by the Arab League. They reiterated their unwavering commitment to promoting global peace, with a special focus on the Middle East. Asmaa Guedira’s presentation underscored the vital role of gender diversity and the protection of women in conflict zones, urging for a more inclusive approach to peacebuilding.

During the event, speakers presented and discussed their work to promote and build off of the 2002 Arab Peace Initiative, which is a historic document that offered a formula for ending not only the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, but also the wider, lingering Arab–Israeli conflict, and to achieve a collective peace and security.

The event concluded with a small reception, providing an opportunity for attendees to network and discuss the topics further. The blend of in-person and virtual attendance ensured that the message reached a broad and diverse audience, all united by a shared goal of a peaceful and secure Middle East.

Looking Forward

As the evening drew to a close, the sense of optimism and determination was palpable. The participants left with a deeper understanding of METO’s mission and the collective efforts required to achieve lasting peace in the Middle East. The event served as a testament to the power of collaboration and the relentless pursuit of a world free from the threat of weapons of mass destruction.

You may find the full event video below:


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A Chat With Annette: Threats to regional peace in the Asia-Pacific region and the work of the Independent and Peaceful Australia Network

Watch our live chat replay with Independent and Peaceful Australia Network Executive Director Annette! She analyzes and opens the conversation on the threats to regional peace in the Asia-Pacific region and shares the important work of IPAN.

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The World’s Tectonic Geopolitical Changes and their Implications

On May 22, 2024, the Campaign for Peace, Disarmament & Common Security hosted an exceptional webinar panel on the Tectonic Geopolitical changes that are transforming the international landscape, their implications, and common security policies. Understanding the forces at play is essential to ending and preventing wars, reversing the climate emergency, and bringing greater security and justice to all.

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The role of peace education in building a peaceful Haitian society

The conference delivered by Roland Joseph at the Université Publique du Sud-Est in Jacmel (UPSEJ), Haiti, on the theme “Le rôle de l’éducation à la paix dans la construction d’une société haïtienne pacifique” (The role of peace education in the construction of a peaceful Haitian society) on Saturday, May 18, 2024, sponsored by the International Peace Bureau (IPB).

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C7 Policy Recommendations: Peace, Common Security and Nuclear Disarmament

By: International Peace Bureau and Italian Network for Peace and Disarmament


On May 19, 2023, following G7 leaders’ Hiroshima Vision on Nuclear Disarmament proclaimed a “commitment to achieving a world without nuclear weapons with undiminished security for all.” As anxieties over global crises continue to grow, the pursuit of undiminished common or collective security has never been so necessary.

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Healing People, Peace & Planet : World’s Indigenous Leaders at the First Global Summit on Indigenous Peacebuilding held in Washington DC Urges United Nations to include Indigenous Peacebuilding Approaches in Resolving Global Conflicts.


30 April 2024, Binalakshmi Nepram Mentschel

We live in a world marred by conflict. The world of today urgently needs meaningful peacebuilding that works for all. 80 percent of conflicts around the world are happening in biodiversity areas where Indigenous Peoples live.107 wars are happening in the world today, displacing 117 million. Any peace-building efforts in global conflicts must involve and include Indigenous Peoples. Peace-making efforts are currently usually negotiated at high political levels, behind closed doors, and with violent groups – where Indigenous Peoples are rarely represented.

Continue reading “Healing People, Peace & Planet : World’s Indigenous Leaders at the First Global Summit on Indigenous Peacebuilding held in Washington DC Urges United Nations to include Indigenous Peacebuilding Approaches in Resolving Global Conflicts.”

Trends in World Military Expenditure, 2023

Published by: Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI)

Date: 22 April 2024

Authors: Dr Nan TianDr Diego Lopes da SilvaXiao Liang and Lorenzo Scarazzato

World military expenditure increased for the ninth consecutive year in 2023, reaching a total of $2443 billion. The 6.8 per cent increase in 2023 was the steepest year-on-year rise since 2009 and pushed global spending to the highest level SIPRI has ever recorded. The world military burden—defined as military spending as a percentage of global gross domestic product (GDP)—increased to 2.3 per cent in 2023. Average military expenditure as a share of government expenditure rose by 0.4 percentage points to 6.9 per cent in 2023 and world military spending per person was the highest since 1990, at $306. 

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IPB Statement on Recent Escalation in West Asia

18 April 2024, Germany

The International Peace Bureau (IPB) is deeply concerned over the continued escalation and open violation of international law in West Asia. Both the Israeli attack on the Iranian embassy in Syria and Iran’s launching of missiles and drones from its own soil toward Israel represent blatant attempts to exacerbate tensions and expand direct confrontation to a regional scale. We unequivocally condemn these actions and demand that all states involved, both directly and indirectly, reject any further military responses and make use of diplomatic channels for immediate de-escalation.

We reiterate the complex and prolonged nature of regional conflicts in West Asia and underline that any attempt to solve these disputes through military action risks throwing not only the region into direct and deadly conflict, but also states outside the region. Any such war would result in immeasurable death and suffering of innocent people and an acute risk of nuclear weapons use which would put the entire planet at risk. States in the region must recognize that they cannot choose their neighbors and must instead work toward a policy of common security for all in the region.  

Long-term solutions for peace in the region are only possible in a climate of peace when the active violence of Israel’s assault on Gaza and ongoing genocide of the Palestinian people has stopped. We therefore reiterate our call for an immediate ceasefire and negotiations in Gaza that create the necessary space for discussions on long-term solutions that preserve the humanity and underline the need for common security of all Palestinians, Israelis, and peoples of the region.

C7 Statement to the G7 Foreign Ministers

14 April 2024. Ahead of the G7 Foreign Ministers’ Meeting in Capri, 17-19 April 2024, we, the C7 (Civil7), issue a statement with our recommendations to call on the G7 Foreign Ministers to take concrete actions to promote human rights and the common interests of humanity and the planet for a more peaceful, just and secure future.

Please refer to the statement (PDF) from here.

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