IPB BERLIN CONGRESS: Full Programme now available

full-programme19 Sept 2016. As the date of the IPB`s world congress 2016 Disarm! for a Climate of Peace is approaching fast, we are happy to present the final version of the congress programme: Here. In it we proudly present our new supporters such as the Nobel Peace Center and BetterWorldLinks, we introduce you to the more than 200 speakers that will take part in the plenaries, panels and workshops, and last but not least, we guide you through all the side events and activities around the congress.

With the latest information, you will be fully equipped to make the most of your participation. So immerse yourself in it, and remember to check the website and Facebook page for day-to-day updates. Continue reading “IPB BERLIN CONGRESS: Full Programme now available”

New IPB publication: Activity Report 2015

activity-report-20152015 was another intense year for IPB. Read the illustrated Activity Report here (16pp). Among the highlights:

  •  We reinforced our efforts to promote the Global Campaign on Military Spending (GCOMS). We organised the 5th edition of the Global Day of  Action (GDAMS).
  • We focused our UN work on the adoption of the UN’s 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda, making the case for the inclusion, not only of   military spending, but also wider issues related to peace and disarmament.
  • We helped establish a new network on the links between militarism and climate change, with a gathering in Paris during COP 21

Continue reading “New IPB publication: Activity Report 2015”

IPB BERLIN CONGRESS: Full Programme now available

ipb-berlin full programm available19 Sept 2016. As the date of the IPB`s world congress 2016 Disarm! for a Climate of Peace is approaching fast, we are happy to present the final version of the congress programme: Here. In it we proudly present our new supporters such as the Nobel Peace Center and BetterWorldLinks, we introduce you to the more than 200 speakers that will take part in the plenaries, panels and workshops, and last but not least, we guide you through all the side events and activities around the congress.

With the latest information, you will be fully equipped to make the most of your participation. So immerse yourself in it, and remember to check the website and Facebook page for day-to-day updates.

IPB and friends welcome hibakusha in Athens

welcome-hibakusha-in-athens19th September 2016 – On Sept 16, Colin Archer visited Athens, on the invitation of IPB member organisation PADOP (Observatory of International Organisations and Globalisation, Greece). He spoke at the ceremonies organised to welcome the visit of Peace Boat to Piraeus and Athens. The Japanese group on board included a delegation of Hibakusha/Second generation and Youth Communicators. The programme comprised: a meeting with the Deputy Foreign Minister Dimitris Mardas; an informal gathering with the Mayor of Tripolis; and a formal session in the Senate Chamber of the Greek Parliament, chaired by the Deputy Speaker, and attended by MPs from several political parties. Continue reading “IPB and friends welcome hibakusha in Athens”

IPB World Congress – updates and news – Newsletter 4

ipb world congress update and newsGeneva, 7 September – The IPB World Congress starts in 23 days! You can find in this 4th Newsletter some updates on the program, speakers, supporters as well as relevant information while staying in Berlin. Also, with the support of our media partner “Pressenza” we were able to produce a conference app for Android and iOS. Don’t miss out and get the app.

Please, also do not forget to register @ www.ipb2016.berlin

Statement: Disarmament for Sustainable Human Development

Federico Mayor Zaragoza31 August 2016 – Former Director-General of UNESCO, Federico Mayor Zaragoza, now President of the Fundación Cultura de Paz, has launched an excellent new initiative Disarmament for sustainable human development:

It is morally unacceptable that every day over 20,000 people die of hunger while close to5 billion dollars are invested in military expenditures and armament. A judicious reduction of these enormous and disproportionate figures would be enough to quickly and substantially increase endogenous, sustainable and human development worldwide….. SIGN-ON STATEMENT

People’s Tribunal on nuclear weapons convicts leaders, builds on World Court Project legacy

In 1992 IPB organised the launch in Geneva of the World Court Project, a worldwide peace movement effort to bring the issue of the legal status of nuclear weapons to the International Court of Justice. The WCP itself built on the work of our former President Sean MacBride, who promoted the London Nuclear Warfare Tribunal (1985) and the Lawyers Appeal on the Illegality of Nuclear Weapons (1992). Following a General Assembly resolution, the initiative was successful and the Court delivered its verdict in July 1996, just over 20 years ago. Much has happened since then.

We are delighted to see the outcome of the International Peoples’ Tribunal on Nuclear Weapons and the Destruction of Human Civilisation, which develops further the work done by MacBride and our colleagues in IALANA and other organisations. We were sad to learn of the death of Prof. Peter King (photo) following the Tribunal hearings.

High level statements – Hiroshima and nagasaki 71st anniversary

71 years ago, nuclear bombs were dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, killing and injuring more than 100.000 persons. Nowadays, there are approximately 15:000 nuclear bombs worldwide. Survivors of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the Hibakusha, still stand up to ask for the end of the nuclear race and the creation of a safer world. For this 71st anniversary, Hiroshima and nagasaki mayors joined the worldwide anti-nuclear movement to appeal governments and the international community to react and fight the nuclear threat. Continue reading “High level statements – Hiroshima and nagasaki 71st anniversary”