Alain Rouy – Vice President

Alain Rouy has been elected Vice President of IPB in October 2022 and is a former board member (2019-2022).

Peace activist, representative of french Appel des Cent against nuclear weapons and currently national secretary of Mouvement de la Paix, executive secretary of International Association of Educators for Peace and IAEP-delegate at UNESCO, co-chair French Teachers for Peace (Enseignants pour la Paix).

In Mouvement de la Paix, Alain Rouy is in charge of international relations with UNO, UNESCO and the international peace organisations, especially IPB, No to Nato network, network against military bases, german peace organisations. Focus areas are promotion of the UNO and multilateralism, alternative European security system, peace education.

As IAEP delegate at Unesco, Alain Rouy is involved in  NGOs activities, especially NGO-Unesco international forums.

IPB Mourns the Death of Goran Bubalo

IPB lost a strong and courageous fighter for peace – Goran Bubalo died on June 9th 2020. After a brief but serious illness, our friend in peace died. IPB is deeply saddened by this loss.

Goran Bubalo was an activist deeply committed to peace every single day of his life. He was the chair of the Bosnian Network for Building Peace, an active member of IPB. With his great help, we managed to arrange the international Sarajevo Peace Event in 2014. We were in contact with him until last month.

We will never forget him! Goran, we will continue working intensively for peace without you, but in your spirit.

A-Young Moon – Council Member

A-Young Moon has been re-elected as IPB council member in October 2022.

She is the founder and representative of PEACEMOMO, a non-profit, education specialist organization since 2012. PEACEMOMO translates the language of peace activism into the public education curriculum in order to flatten peace activism to be the default for all. PEACMOMO highlights creating non-teaching, mutually dialogical relations in learning sites and runs regular ToT (training of trainers) programmes to foster transformative peace educators. Continue reading “A-Young Moon – Council Member”

Sara Medi Jones – Council Member

Sara Medi Jones has been re-elected as IPB council member in October 2022.

She has worked for the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament (CND) for the past seven years as a campaigner.During this time she has organised numerous demonstrations, including the UK’s largest anti-nuclear protest in a generation in 2016. She has also been involved with several of London’s anti-Trump marches and events. Sara is responsible for CND’s briefings and reports and regularly writes articles on anti-nuclear issues. She has represented CND at numerous high-level events, including UN conferences. Continue reading “Sara Medi Jones – Council Member”

Yurii Sheliazhenko – Council Member

Yurii Sheliazhenko has been elected as IPB council member in October 2022.

Yurii is the Executive Secretary of the Ukrainian Pacifist Movement, board member at the European Bureau for Conscientious Objection, and at the World BEYOND War. Furthermore, he was lecturer and research associate at the Faculty of Law, KROK University in Kyiv, Ukraine, where he defended his PhD dissertation in law in December 2021. He also obtained master’s degree in law in 2016 as well as a master’s degree in Mediation and Conflict Management in 2021. Yurii authored tens of scholarly articles, taught courses in constitutional and human rights, comparative and international law, legal theory and history. Also, he is public intellectual, blogger, and human rights defender.

Ann Wright – Council Member

Ann Wright has been elected as IPB council member in October 2022.

Ann is a retired US Army Colonel and a US diplomat who resigned in 2003 in opposition to the US war on Iraq. As a US diplomat she had served in US Embassies in Nicaragua, Grenada, Somalia, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Sierra Leone, Micronesia, Afghanistan and Mongolia. Since her resignation, she has been working with many organizations that work for peace in our world including Veterans For Peace, CODEPINK: Women for Peace, Peace Action, No to NATO and the International Peace Bureau. She writes extensively and speaks at events around the world. Furtheromre, Ann has co-authored the book “Dissent: Voices of Conscience.”
Continue reading “Ann Wright – Council Member”

Report: Online World Conference 2020

On April 25, 2020, in the midst of the Covid-19 crisis, over one thousand activists across the peace, climate, and social movements gathered online to take part in the first ever virtual World Conference: Abolish Nuclear Weapons | Resist and Reverse Climate Change | For Social and Economic Justice. Continue reading “Report: Online World Conference 2020”

Regional Workshop on Women, Peace and Security (MPS) for the Americas

“Opportunities for the Women, Peace and Security in the Americas Agenda”
Uruguay December 16-19, 2019

by Particia Pérez*

This workshop highlighted the opportunities for greater regional participation in the MPS Agenda, facilitating the debate on the pathways offered by the MPS Agenda to empower uniformed women as key actors and agents of change for peace in the region and the world. Continue reading “Regional Workshop on Women, Peace and Security (MPS) for the Americas”

Agenda | World Conference: Abolish Nuclear Weapons, Resist & Reverse Climate Change, For Social & Economic Justice (1/16/20 edition)

World Conference: Abolish Nuclear Weapons, Resist & Reverse Climate Change, For Social & Economic Justice (1/16/20 edition)

April 24, 2020

5-6 p.m. Registration

6-9 Opening

Japanese choir and First Nation Welcome

Formal welcome & conference framing – Joseph Gerson – (CPDCS/USA –confirmed)

Official Greetings


Setsuko Thurlow (Hibakusha of Hiroshima/Canada – confirmed)

Mayors Matsui and Taue (Hiroshima & Nagasaki/Japan – invited)

Ambassador Elayne Whyte Gomez (Costa Rica – invited)

Noam Chomsky (Video) (Renowned Scholar/USA – confirmed)

Michael Klare (Five College Peace & World Security Studies/USA – confirmed)

Kathy Jetnil-Kijiner (Poet/Marshall Islands – confirmed)

Xiye Bastida – (Sunrise Movement/USA &Mexico – invited)

Phillip Jennings (International Trade Union Confederation & Int’l Peace Bureau/Britain – confirmed)

Rep. Barbara Lee – (U.S. Congress/USA – invited)


April 25, 2020

8-9 Registration


Plenary speeches – organized by panels (9:00 – noon)

Section 1 (reporting & analysis)

Hibakusha Panel: Hidankyo, Korean A-bomb survivors and Leona Morgan (Nuclear Issues Study Group, Navajo/ – confirmed)

Bill McKibben (350.Org/USA – invited)

Youth speaker – TBD

Rev. Barber or Rev. Theoharris – (Poor People’s Campaign/USA – invited)

Walden Bello – (Focus on the Global South/Philippines – confirmed)

Oleg Bodrov (Coalition for a Clean Baltic/Russia – confirmed)

Binalakshmi Nepram – (Control Arms Foundation /India – confirmed)


Section 2 Actions & Strategies

Emad Kiyaei (IGD Group/Iran – confirmed)

Sharon Dolev – (Israeli Disarmament Movement/Israel – confirmed)

Youngdae Ko – (SPARK/Korea – confirmed)

Arielle Denis – (International Peace Bureau/France –confirmed)

Tadatoshi Akiba – (Gensuikin/Japan- Confirmed)

Andrew Lichterman – (Western States Legal Foundation/USA – confirmed)

Sharan Burrow – (International Trade Union Confederation/Australia -Confirmed)

Sophia (Soda) Garcia – (Pax Christi/Philippines -confirmed)


Noon- 1 Lunch Break

1-2:30 Workshops/Forums Session

2:30 – 4 Second Workshop/Forums Session


4-5 Closing Plenary

Secretary General António Guterres (United Nations – invited)

Beatrice Finn – (International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons/Sweden confirmed)

Gensuikyo speaker (Japan – confirmed)

Jackie Cabasso – (United for Peace & Justice and WSLF/USA – confirmed)

Reiner Braun (International Peace Bureau)

Reading & Distribution of conference organizers’ statement



*Order of speakers subject to change