Seminars and international conferences

seminars and international conferencesIPB takes every opportunity to talk about the imbalance between military and social spending and organizes side events, seminars and exhibitions, together with like-minded partner organizations. Since the launch of our programme in 2005 we have organized and participated in a dozens of events in order to build awareness of the linkages between Disarmament and Development. Continue reading “Seminars and international conferences”

Education programmes

UOCIPB has a long history in peace education. In 2012, we are building on this tradition by creating an online course at the Open University of Catalonia (UOC) and their Campus for Peace. The course focuses on Disarmament for Development and aims at training a new generation of advocates. The programme is coordinated by Prof. Alicia Cabezudo, IPB Vice-President. It will run from March 27 to July 27 and will be open to students at the university level. For further information, please visit the UOC website.