Sara Medi Jones, a campaigner for the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament, was one of the speakers during IPB´s Side event during the NPT Prep Com Review Conference. Continue reading “Sara Medi Jones´contribution for IPB side event on Nuclear weapons in Europe”
Seán Mac Bride Prize – Douglas Roche
On April 25, 2019, IPB has honored Hon. Douglas Roche O.C. with the Seán Mac Bride Prize. The ceremony took place in Toronto, Canada in cooperation with the Canadian Pugwash Group.
IPB Statement on the SIPRI Report on Military Spending
On April 29th, the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI) released its report on global military spending in 2018. According to the report, the global military budget rose in 2018 by 2.6%, and is now estimated at $1.822.000.000.000 ($1,822 trillion.)
Continue reading “IPB Statement on the SIPRI Report on Military Spending”
IPB Statement Call for Your Action for a Nuclear-weapon Free, Peaceful and Just World
Call for Your Action for a Nuclear-weapon Free, Peaceful and Just World
Dear IPB family,
We live with the increasing danger of nuclear weapons that continue to threaten the survival of humanity. Continue reading “IPB Statement Call for Your Action for a Nuclear-weapon Free, Peaceful and Just World”
Pax Christi’s European Manifesto: “The Europe We Want”
In view of the upcoming elections for the European Parliament and amidst increasingly loud nationalistic and populistic voices, Pax Christi International has launched a manifesto in support of the European Union as a peace project.
Continue reading “Pax Christi’s European Manifesto: “The Europe We Want””
Members of the IPB Board Meet in Paris
On 22 and 24 March, IPB’s Board members gathered at the offices of our member Le Mouvement de la Paix, in Paris. Throughout the weekend, the Board discussed future projects and activities and, among other subjects, deliberated over recent membership candidatures for IPB’s network.
The IPB Calls on Irish Authorities for the Release of Activists Tarak Kauff and Ken Mayers
The IPB strongly condemns the imprisonment of Tarak Kauff and Ken Mayers, US Veterans for Peace activists, and calls on the Irish authorities for their immediate release.
New Zealand: Call for urgent moratorium on semi-automatic weapons
Following PM Jacinda Ardern’s promise to tighten gun laws, New Zealander gun shops have registered a significant increase in sales. Peace activists and scientists have issued a call for an urgent moratorium on semi-automatic weapons – the type used in the Christchurch massacre – while changes are in process.
Continue reading “New Zealand: Call for urgent moratorium on semi-automatic weapons”
Press Conference: Counteractions marking the NATO’s 70th Anniversary
On the 12th of March 2019, the International Peace Bureau (IPB) held a press conference on the premises of its Berlin Office. The aim of the event was to present to the German press the various events and demonstrations being organised to mark the 70th anniversary of the North Atlantic Alliance (NATO), which will happen on the 4th of April 2019.
Continue reading “Press Conference: Counteractions marking the NATO’s 70th Anniversary”
IPB Statement: Call for the immediate release of Chelsea Manning
The International Peace Bureau calls for the immediate release of Chelsea Manning who has been imprisoned for refusing to testify to a grand jury in the investigation into Wikileaks. Continue reading “IPB Statement: Call for the immediate release of Chelsea Manning”