Watch our final statement on the 2021 Global Days of Action on Military Spending (GDAMS).
Israel and Palestine: From This War a New Peace Process Must Emerge
Yet again we have witnessed a cycle of violence in the Middle East as war has broken out between Israel and Palestine. The hostilities are exacting an unforgiveable human price as the civilian populations were targeted and humanitarian relief to Gaza faces insurmountable obstacles. This disregard for the civilian populations means that we have witnessed crimes against humanity.
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Afghanistan: Women, withdrawal of troops and transition strategy
”You may kill a terrorist with a weapon, but you may kill terrorism with education”
Malala Yousafzai, Nobel peace laureate
Women’s Regional Network, WRN, has developed a Statement of Concern on the withdrawal of US, NATO and other foreign troops from Afghanistan. They are concerned about the situation of Afghan women and their future. The Statement consists of seven most valuable points to be taken into consideration in the transition period.
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IPB Statement On The Police Brutality Against Peaceful Protesters in Colombia (EN/ES)
According to the last report of Temblores, a non-governmental organization that monitors state violence, 1708 cases of police brutality, 222 victims of physical violence by the police, 37 victims of homicide in hands of police, 831 arbitrary arrests, and 10 victims of sexual assault by the public force have been registered from April 28th until May 5th in Colombia.
Webinar Report: SIPRI Figures on Military Expenditure
On April 26, The Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI) published its global arms spending statistics for 2020, confirming the expected further increase in military expenditure worldwide. In our German webinar “SIPRI Figures on Military Expenditure – Developments in Germany and Worldwide” on April 28, Tarja Cronberg (Distinguished SIPRI Fellow), Thomas Würdinger (IG-Metall), Myriam Rapior (BUND Youth / Fridays for Future) and Reiner Braun (Executive Director IPB) discussed and analyzed the global and German armament in the first year of the COVID-19 pandemic together with our participants. The event was moderated by Julia Auf dem Brinke.
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Interview with the Heidelberg Institute for International Conflict Research
IPB Executive Director Reiner Braun sat down for an interview with members of the Heidelberg Institute for International Conflict Research to discuss about their work and main observations of the Conflict Barometer 2020.
Can you please present the Heidelberg Institute for International Conflict Research, its history, the structure, and the main research?
The Heidelberg Institute for International Conflict Research (HIIK) is an independent association dedicated to the monitoring of political conflicts worldwide. Founded as a research project in 1991 by Prof. Dr. Frank Pfetsch, today we consist of more than 200 researchers who observe such conflicts according to our methodology. Our researchers are organized in sub-regional groups, led by Regional Group Leaders (RGL) who themselves are organized in regional groups (for example the Americas or Sub-Saharan Africa). The association itself is headed by the Board of Directors. Our members are mostly students from a variety of academic disciplines. All our work, from researchers to the Board of Directors, is completely volunteer-based.
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GDAMS 2021 Press Release
26 April 2021
170 Civil Society Organizations from 33 different countries demand that governments around the world drastically reduce their military expenditures, which reached almost 2 trillion $ in 2020, a 2.6% increase over the previous year.
IPB Statement on the Release of SIPRI’s Military Expenditure Data for 2020
The amount of military spending in the world is a political, social, ecological, economical and ethical scandal. It reveals the continued misplaced priorities of global leaders.
Despite the ongoing pandemic, environmental emergency, and growing inequality, military spending increased by 2.6%, from US$ 1.917 trillion in 2019 to $ 1.981 trillion – just shy of 2 trillion in 2020.
Continue reading “IPB Statement on the Release of SIPRI’s Military Expenditure Data for 2020”
Arcadi Oliveres: In Memoriam
To friend, colleague, teacher and estimated Arcadi Oliveres.
Arcadi Oliveres has dedicated his life to building a world free and emancipated from any kind of violence, devoting the maximum of his efforts to the promotion of human rights, social justice, aid for people development and construction of peace. In addition to these four major areas, Arcadi, economist by education, notably specialized in the two that were the closest to him, which are development and military economics. To these areas he devoted his greatest efforts.
Webinar Report: Roadmap to End Nuclear Sharing
The first webinar on the “Roadmap to end nuclear sharing” on March 29, 2021, was a real success, with 87 people from all over Europe, and some from other continents, taking part. Our aim was to develop interactive connections and a common strategy for European peace and disarmament activists to approach governments.
If you were unable to attend, you can now watch the video here on the IPB´s YouTube Channel.
To learn more about Nuke Free Europe´s network appeal and call for actions visit:
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