IPB’s Council Statement on the recent terrorist massacre in Egypt

The International Peace Bureau’s Council is shocked by the massacre of at least 300 people and those who are injured as a result of a new terrorist attack against a Mosque congregation in northern Sinai.

We condemn this crime and express our indignation. We also convey our deepest condolences to the victims’ families, the wounded and the Egyptian people as a whole.

Barcelona, November 26th, 2017.

Common Security Diplomacy to Resolve U.S.-North Korean Crisis

Joseph Gerson*

President Trump’s off the cuff and extremely dangerous and outrageous threat to devastate North Korea with “fire and fury… unlike the world has ever seen” is bringing us to the brink of the unthinkable. There is no military solution to the dangers posed by North Korea’s nuclear weapons program.  We need to do all that we can to bring reason and bear with Common Security diplomacy that could bring these two nuclear powers back from the brink and to establish the basis for a nuclear-free Korean Peninsula and Northeast Asia.
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Remembering what happened in Hiroshima and Nagasaki

Seventy two years ago the United States dropped two atomic bombs in Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The humanitarian and environmental consequences were catastrophic. Since then the peace movement fights against nuclear weapons and just recently, on July 7th it got a strong reason to celebrate – the Nuclear Weapons Ban Treaty was adopted at the UN in New York.

Read the whole statement here

UNI Global Union statement to the UN conference to negotiate a legally binding instrument to prohibit nuclear weapons (ban treaty), leading to their elimination.

  • UNI Global Union welcomes the draft for the ban treaty
  • It is a historical declaration on the way to a nuclear weapon free world

As the General Secretary of UNI Global Union which represents 20 million members in the service sectors worldwide, I urge all governments to work towards creating a credible and effective treaty which will lead to a world free from nuclear weapons.

Continue reading “UNI Global Union statement to the UN conference to negotiate a legally binding instrument to prohibit nuclear weapons (ban treaty), leading to their elimination.”

IPB Statement: A Prophetic Voice for Our Time

Honoring Martin Luther King Jr’s’ April 4, 1967

“Beyond Vietnam, Breaking the Silence Speech”

Fifty years ago, on April 4, 1967, Martin Luther King, Jr. delivered a speech which rings across the decades. It is among the most remarkable expressions of prophetic moral, intellectual and spiritual courage. In his speech, titled “Beyond Vietnam – Breaking the Silence,” King – already the Nobel Peace Laureate – broke ranks with pragmatic critics within the U.S. Civil Rights movement who feared the political blowback of denouncing President Johnson’s catastrophic war in Indochina, and named the greatest obstacles to freedom in the United States – and the West:  the triple evils of racism, militarism and extreme materialism.


Read the IPB Statement here

IPB Statement – NPT review conference 2015

En Español
En Català

The fact that the NPT Review coincides with the 70th anniversary of the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki is both disturbing and inspiring. Disturbing because it reminds us how little progress has been made over these decades in bringing to an end the era of terror weapons. Inspiring since both events will see large mobilizations of citizens determined to achieve the definitive elimination of weapons that ‘cannot co-exist with human beings’ as the hibakusha put it. Continue reading “IPB Statement – NPT review conference 2015”

The International Peace Bureau’s engagement against nuclear weapons and nuclear energy

En Español

IPB has a long history of work on nuclear disarmament, dating back to the early years of the movement in the 1950s. In particular IPB has been involved with:

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IPB critical of Nobel Peace Prize for the European Union

12 October, 2012

“For a peacemaking bloc, this is a highly militarized one”

The IPB finds the award of the 2012 Nobel Peace Prize to the European Union surprising in that it awards a prize not to a head of state but to an entire bloc of states, thus making it difficult to identify the real recipient. Is the EU really a ‘champion of peace’, as Nobel conceived it? Or is it a club of states with many contradictory impulses and interests? Continue reading “IPB critical of Nobel Peace Prize for the European Union”