IPB and The German-Russian Forum: Let Us Finally Make Peace

June 22, 2021, marks the 80th anniversary of the fascist attack on Russia and the peoples of the Soviet Union. For us, the undersigned, this day is a day of mourning, shame, and reflection on our own historical guilt. From German soil, planned by German politicians, emanated an unprecedented war of extermination, born of political hubris and discrimination against the people of the Soviet Union, especially Jews and other minorities. It brought endless suffering to the people and claimed more than 27 million victims in the Soviet Union alone, mostly from Russia, Ukraine, and Belarus.

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President Biden and Putin: Re-Imagine and Secure Humanity’s Future

We join the world in the hope that the June 16 Geneva summit meeting between Presidents Biden and Putin will be successful. Given that human survival lies in the balance of U.S.-Russian relations and tensions, we need more than an exchange of views and cautious steps to improve strategic stability. For humanity’s sake, we urge the U.S. and Russian leaders to re-imagine and take bold diplomatic steps to secure humanity’s future.

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Israel and Palestine: From This War a New Peace Process Must Emerge

Yet again we have witnessed a cycle of violence in the Middle East as war has broken out between Israel and Palestine. The hostilities are exacting an unforgiveable human price as the civilian populations were targeted and humanitarian relief to Gaza faces insurmountable obstacles. This disregard for the civilian populations means that we have witnessed crimes against humanity.

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IPB Statement On The Police Brutality Against Peaceful Protesters in Colombia (EN/ES)

According to the last report of Temblores, a non-governmental organization that monitors state violence, 1708 cases of police brutality, 222 victims of physical violence by the police, 37 victims of homicide in hands of police, 831 arbitrary arrests, and 10 victims of sexual assault by the public force have been registered from April 28th until May 5th in Colombia.

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IPB Statement on the Release of SIPRI’s Military Expenditure Data for 2020

The amount of military spending in the world is a political, social, ecological, economical and ethical scandal. It reveals the continued misplaced priorities of global leaders.

Despite the ongoing pandemic, environmental emergency, and growing inequality, military spending increased by 2.6%, from US$ 1.917 trillion in 2019 to $ 1.981 trillion – just shy of 2 trillion in 2020.

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IPB Calls for the Immediate Release of Arrested Activist Daw Thin Thin Aung

On the 8th April 2021, the Myanmar military seized Daw Thin Thin Aung and took her for interrogation. Daw Thin Thin Aung, is a women’s human rights defender and a co-founder of Mizzima Media, a news organization closed on 8 March by the military dictatorship in Myanmar.

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Statement: IPB Condemns UK Decision to Increase Warheads by 40%


17 March 2021


IPB shares the widespread international denunciation of the announcement by Prime Minister Boris Johnson that Britain will increase the cap on the number of its nuclear warheads to 260. Previously. Britain had been committed to reducing its stockpile to no more than 180 Trident warheads by the mid-2020s. However, the integrated review of security, defence, development and foreign policy published yesterday included this 40% increase in the stockpile.

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IPB Calls for Solidarity with the People of Myanmar

1 March 2021

IPB calls for solidarity with the people of Myanmar

Peace movement condemns Bloody Sunday in Myanmar.
Military brutality is on the rise.

The military is targeting political parties, the trade union movement and civil society. The military is forcing people at gunpoint to return to work. They are in fundamental breach of ILO labour standards.

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IPB Statement on the Military Coup in Myanmar

The International Peace Bureau (IPB), 1910 Nobel Peace Laureate, joins the world in strongly condemning the Myanmar military’s seizure of total state power through a military coup on 1 February 2021 and its’ subsequent dismissal of the parliament elected in November 2020 and the declaration of a martial law today, 9 February 2021.

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IPB Statement on Jeremy Corbyn, 2017 Seán MacBride Peace Prize Winner

The International Peace Bureau recognises Jeremy Corbyn as a lifelong campaigner against racism, against war and for a peaceful and tolerant world. In 2017 IPB awarded him the Seán MacBride Peace Prize for his ‘sustained and powerful political work for disarmament and peace’ and his record shows that he has also championed the oppressed, the poor and the disadvantaged.

The IPB is united in its opposition to anti-Semitism and racism in all its forms. We remain united for a world free from fear.

We will continue to work with Jeremy and with all who strive for peace and justice.

Download the statement here.