The International Peace Bureau stands in solidarity with those who are actively speaking out against the actions of the Russian government in Ukraine and the victims of the aggression. We welcome the peace protests in Moscow and many other cities of Russia.
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IPB Statement on Ukraine, 24 February 2022
The IPB condemns Russia’s military aggression against Ukraine.
The bombardments must be stopped immediately. What is needed is a comprehensive ceasefire, the withdrawal of all troops and a return to the negotiating table.
There is no military solution, only a political solution based on the principles of common security.
IPB Response to the Recent P-5 Statement Released by the White House
We welcome the reiteration of the Reagan-Gorbachev and Biden-Putin statements by the five leading nuclear weapons states that nuclear war cannot be won and must never be fought. Some have expressed the belief that this may contribute to serious nuclear disarmament negotiations and agreements among five of the nine nuclear powers. Such initiatives and agreements would be welcome and contribute to international security and human survival.
At the same time, we note that these same leaders are spending billions to upgrade and in some cases expand their genocidal nuclear arsenals. They are recklessly engaged in provocative military operations in which accidents or miscalculations could trigger nuclear holocausts.
We concur with U.N. Secretary General Guterres’ statement that “the only way to eliminate all nuclear risks is to eliminate all nuclear weapons”.. For the sake of humanity’s future, we must do all that we can to eliminate the existential threats posed by nuclear weapons and the climate emergency.
- We join with our partners in the Peace & Planet international network, in which the International Peace Bureau play a leading role which, following the P-5 statement called for: Immediate fulfillment of their Article VI obligations and past agreements to abolish nuclear weapons by the nuclear-armed states participating in the 2021 NPT Review Conference.
- Commencement of negotiations between Russia and the U.S. for deep reductions in their nuclear arsenals, to be joined at the earliest possible date by the other nuclear-armed states to achieve the global elimination of nuclear weapons.
- A halt in the development and deployment of all new nuclear weapons and delivery systems
- Significant reduction in spending for nuclear weapons and related systems, including dual use “missile defenses” and hypersonic weapons, and increased spending to address the climate crisis and other urgent human needs through national and international just conversion plans and ambitions.
- Support, signing and ratification of the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons.
- An end to nuclear sharing.
- Pursuit of settlement of conflicts through diplomacy and peaceful means based on the UN Charter and established international law and rules.
- Negotiations to fulfill the promise of the creation of a Middle East Zone Free of Nuclear Weapons and other Weapons of Mass Destruction.
- Common Security diplomacy to reduce military tensions and to create an environment more conducive to nuclear disarmament negotiations.
We recognize that few if any of these steps will be taken without committed action and advocacy by civil society. It is past time to educate, advocate, organize, protest, and survive.
The event opened with a dance performance by OLA GIRLS cultural troupe depicting the consequences of gun violence on communities.
Opening statement by Juliet
She touched on a host of reasons why it became imperative for such an event to be held at such an opportune time. Among the many things she highlighted include the ever increasing rate of,
- Spousal killings
- Ritual murders
- Chieftaincy Disputes
- Ethnic and Tribal Clashes
- Armed Robbery and the general State of insecurity in the country etc.
She ended with a clarion call on all and sundry to join in the fight against the illicit arms trade.
Introduction of IPB its work and growth in Africa by Reiner Braun
He described the role of IPB in advocacy efforts against small arms trade and gun violence around the world. IPB’s role in connecting the different national and sectorial African peace movements together as well as with other regional networks from around the globe has grown and is reflected by the collaborative effort that brought about the current event.
IPB World Peace Congress – Youth Activity Report
The Second World Peace Congress in Barcelona was a space for hundreds of youth activists from around the world to speak, lead, discuss and take action for a sustainable peace.
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IPB World Peace Congress: Presentation of the IPB Action Plan 2021-2023
During the last day of the Second IPB World Peace Congress, IPB Co-President, Philip Jennings, presented via Zoom the Action Plan 2021-2023 of the International Peace Bureau. The Action Plan includes a wide range of advocacy activities around several topics such as: Nuclear Weapons, Military expenditure, Common Security and Sustainable Peace.
Download the IPB Action Plan here.
Appeal From Barcelona To The World, To all Peace Movements and Shapers of The Future
Barcelona, 17th October 2021
The world stands at a historically unique crossroads – either the abyss of nuclear, ecological, and social disaster or a common, just, demilitarized and environmentally sustainable future.
14,000 nuclear weapons threaten humanities existence and with heightening tensions between big powers, the danger of their actual use is increasing, while $2 trillion in weapons spending kills each day. With their massive daily death toll, small arms are weapons of mass destruction.
Mediterranean Declaration at the Second World Peace Congress
Barcelona, 17th October 2021
From the International Peace Congress, we feel committed to the rising global wave of civic activism and the powerful new generation of youth activists across the globe facing the global challenges. While here in Barcelona, we would like to take this opportunity to revisit the challenges in this Mediterranean Sea, observe the changes and encourage the action, support it, and call for more cooperation and human solidarity. We need as well to understand the interconnected causes of the conflicts in this area, as we pledge to achieve a peaceful transformation to all conflicts through our joint effort.
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Indigenous Peoples Declaration at the Second World Peace Congress
Barcelona, 17th October 2021
The world stands at a historically unique crossroads – either the abyss of nuclear, ecological, and social disaster or a common, just, demilitarized and environmentally sustainable future.
14,000 nuclear weapons threaten humanities existence and with heightening tensions between big powers, the danger of their actual use is increasing, while $2 trillion in weapons spending kills each day. With their massive daily death toll, small arms are weapons of mass destruction
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The IPB Youth Network Statement for the II World Peace Congress
Barcelona – October 17th, 2021
Good afternoon, congress participants,
We want to thank you for your participation in this conference, and appreciate the opportunity to address you here.
The IPBYN – created in 2016, at the first IPB World Congress – is a collaborative platform for young people that have the common vision of building a climate of peace in this world. We are a global, inclusive, and open network striving for a peaceful and just future for all. We believe that youth, children, and future generations are not only currently the object of violence and injustice, but they are also part of the solution to such problems. As a network we build on the purpose and mission of the IPB, growing a voice for the agency of youth in facing ever increasing global challenges.
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