IPB Statement: A Prophetic Voice for Our Time

Honoring Martin Luther King Jr’s’ April 4, 1967

“Beyond Vietnam, Breaking the Silence Speech”

Fifty years ago, on April 4, 1967, Martin Luther King, Jr. delivered a speech which rings across the decades. It is among the most remarkable expressions of prophetic moral, intellectual and spiritual courage. In his speech, titled “Beyond Vietnam – Breaking the Silence,” King – already the Nobel Peace Laureate – broke ranks with pragmatic critics within the U.S. Civil Rights movement who feared the political blowback of denouncing President Johnson’s catastrophic war in Indochina, and named the greatest obstacles to freedom in the United States – and the West:  the triple evils of racism, militarism and extreme materialism.


Read the IPB Statement here

IPB Statement – NPT review conference 2015

En Español
En Català

The fact that the NPT Review coincides with the 70th anniversary of the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki is both disturbing and inspiring. Disturbing because it reminds us how little progress has been made over these decades in bringing to an end the era of terror weapons. Inspiring since both events will see large mobilizations of citizens determined to achieve the definitive elimination of weapons that ‘cannot co-exist with human beings’ as the hibakusha put it. Continue reading “IPB Statement – NPT review conference 2015”

The International Peace Bureau’s engagement against nuclear weapons and nuclear energy

En Español

IPB has a long history of work on nuclear disarmament, dating back to the early years of the movement in the 1950s. In particular IPB has been involved with:

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IPB critical of Nobel Peace Prize for the European Union

12 October, 2012

“For a peacemaking bloc, this is a highly militarized one”

The IPB finds the award of the 2012 Nobel Peace Prize to the European Union surprising in that it awards a prize not to a head of state but to an entire bloc of states, thus making it difficult to identify the real recipient. Is the EU really a ‘champion of peace’, as Nobel conceived it? Or is it a club of states with many contradictory impulses and interests? Continue reading “IPB critical of Nobel Peace Prize for the European Union”

On the occasion of the annual commemorations of the atomic bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki

3 August, 2012

On August 6 and 9 our thoughts turn once again to the tragic destruction of the two Japanese cities in 1945, and in particular to the victims of this first, and hopefully last, use of nuclear weapons in warfare. As the years go by, there are fewer and fewer of the hibakusha left alive to witness to the horror they experienced at a young age. Continue reading “On the occasion of the annual commemorations of the atomic bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki”

2014: 100 years since the start of World War I

30 May, 2012

The centenary of the outbreak of the First World War takes place in just over two years. Already governments and other official-level bodies are planning extensive commemorations, both nationally and on the European level. Numerous exhibitions, books, films and other projects are in the making. Peace perspectives need to be heard, especially in the mass-media debates, and in productions aimed at informing young people. Continue reading “2014: 100 years since the start of World War I”

IPB calls for action on nuclear disarmament

29 March, 2012

The first PrepComm of the next NPT Review Conference in 2015 will open on this coming April 30 in Vienna.   The last Review Conference in 2010 declared, before the mounting public opinion calling for the abolition of nuclear weapons, that it ‘resolves to seek the peace and security of a world without nuclear weapons…’. The IPB calls on all its member organizations to plan actions in support of our initiatives in Vienna to build the momentum among the civil society in favour of nuclear disarmament, and to urge their respective governments to press for the start of negotiations on a convention banning nuclear weapons for ever. Continue reading “IPB calls for action on nuclear disarmament”

Ireland: IPB congratulates new Irish President

11 November, 2011

IPB warmly congratulates newly-elected President of Ireland Michael D. Higgins as he officially begins today his seven-year term of office. Michael D. Higgins was the first-ever winner of the IPB-sponsored Sean MacBride Peace Medal in 1992, a prize which recognizes people who have shown an outstanding commitment to the promotion of peace, justice and human rights. The IPB believed that Michael D. was a worthy and very appropriate first winner of this Prize and now believe that he will be an inspirational Irish President, continuing to highlight the urgent need for peace in a world torn apart by war and conflict. Continue reading “Ireland: IPB congratulates new Irish President”