North American launch of the Common Security Report 2022

The new Common Security 2022 report was released on April 28 in North America!

The webinar was co-sponsored by Peace Action, PeaceQuest in Canada and the IPB. Speakers included:

Anna Sundstrom – Secretary General, Olaf Palme Foundation (Sweden) Reiner Braun – Executive Director, International Peace Bureau (Germany) Anuradha Chenoy –Jawaharlal Nehru University & Asia-Europe People’s Forum (India) Sergio Duarte – President Pugwash Conference (Brazil) Alexey Gromyko – Russian Academy of Science (Russia) Alexander Kmentt – Ambassador and Director, Dep’s for Disarmament, Arms Control and Non-Proliferation (Austria) Zhao Tong – Tsinghua University (China)

In case you missed the event, please watch the recording here:

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Interview with Philip Jennings and Sean Conner on the launch of the Common Security Report 2022

What are today’s global challenges? How can the concept of common security counteract with these? And most important, what can you do to engage in common security?

Find all of these questions answered in an interview with Philip Jennings (Co-President of IPB) and Sean Conner (Deputy Executive Director of IPB) on the launch of the Common Security Report 2022. The interview was conducted by Nina Engelbracht (Assistant Coordinator of IPB) on April 21, 2022 right after the official launch event of the Common Security Report 2022 in Stockholm, Sweden.

Watch here:

You can also find the video our Youtube channel:

Common Security Report 2022 – For Our Shared Future (EN/DE/FR/ES/RU)

This year marks the 40th anniversary of Olof Palme’s Independent Commission on Disarmament and Security Issues. The Commission presented its report in 1982, at the height of the Cold War, and the Commission developed the concept of Common Security – the idea that nations and populations can only feel safe when their counterparts feel safe.

The new Common Security 2022 report comes at a time when the international order faces severe challenges. The world stands at a crossroads. It is faced with a choice between an existence based on confrontation and aggression or one to be rooted in a transformative peace agenda an common security. In 2022, humanity faces the existential threats of nuclear war, climate change and pandemics. This is compounded by a toxic mix of inequality, extremism, nationalism, gender violence, and shrinking democratic space. How humanity responds to these threats will decide our very survival.

The Common Security Report 2022 is published by the International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC), the International Peace Bureau (IPB) and the Olof Palme International Center. More information on

Find the full report in here:





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IPB Statement of Solidarity with Demonstrators in Russia and the People of Ukraine & Russian Petition

The International Peace Bureau stands in solidarity with those who are actively speaking out against the actions of the Russian government in Ukraine and the victims of the aggression. We welcome the peace protests in Moscow and many other cities of Russia.

Continue reading “IPB Statement of Solidarity with Demonstrators in Russia and the People of Ukraine & Russian Petition”

IPB Statement on Ukraine, 24 February 2022

The IPB condemns Russia’s military aggression against Ukraine.
The bombardments must be stopped immediately. What is needed is a comprehensive ceasefire, the withdrawal of all troops and a return to the negotiating table.

There is no military solution, only a political solution based on the principles of common security.