Aslak Storaker- Board Member

Aslak Storaker has been elected as IPB board member in October 2022. He workes as a librarian in Tvedestrand, Norway and has been involved in the Norwegian peace movement since 2001.

Aslak has a bachelor’s degree in Histor and was a member of the International Committee of The Red Party from 2014 to 2021.

He further has experience in editing books and magazines, writing, translating, proofreading, fact-checking articles as well as organizing and speaking at events. His main political interests are in the field of environmentalism, nuclear disarmament and common security.

Annette Brownlie- Board Member

Annette Brownlie has been elected as board member of IPB in October 2022.

She has been very actively involved in the peace movement for over 40 years. She participated in the People for Nuclear Disarmament (PND), a movement which developed during the last nuclear threat peak in early 1980, as well as in the climate movement in the early 1990’s-1995. She has further been co-convener of Just Peace Qld from 2001-2015.

She serves as the Independent and Peaceful Australia Network Chairperson of IPAN since 2013, and on the coordinating committee of Just Peace Queensland. Annette is further a co-founder of the Pacific Peace Network.

In these roles she raises public awareness about alternatives to war and the necessity of justice in achieving lasting peace; speaks at public forums, advocates to governments, contributes to consultations and liaises with a large number of peace organisations. Recently Annette has overseen the IPAN-led People’s Inquiry: Exploring the costs and consequences of Australians involved in the US alliance and US-led wars.

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Angelo Cardona – Board Member

Angelo Cardona has been elected as board member of IPB in October 2022 after his term as council member (2019-2022). He is a peace and disarmament activist. He is considered one of the leading figures of pacifism in Colombia for his fight for the implementation of the Peace Agreement signed by the guerilla FARC and the government of Colombia in 2016.

He co-founded the national movement ‘Yes to the Special Jurisdiction for Peace (Si a la JEP), which seeks to protect the transitional Justice System (JEP) agreed in Havana, Cuba. He is further co-founder and Co-president of the Iberoamerican Alliance for Peace (Alianza Iberoamericana por la Paz – AIPP), Vice-president of Humanity United for Universal Demilitarisation, and founding member of the IPB Youth Network. Cardona has spoken on behalf of the youth in Colombia at the United Nations Headquarters, German Parliament, British Parliament, Argentina Congress, and Colombia Congress. His fight for peace and disarmament earned him the Inspirational Icon at the 21st Century Icon Awards.

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IPB Statement – INF Treaty

IPB calls for: Defending the INF Treaty

President Trump’s announcement that he plans to withdraw the United States from the Intermediate Nuclear Forces Treaty marks a dangerous escalation on the path to creating a 21st century U.S.-Russian Cold War. It again demonstrates that ignorance, the will and need to dominate others and the news cycle, and nuclear weapons make an extremely dangerous cocktail for renewed and extremely dangerous arms racing that endangers human survival.

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