Denny Tamaki won the gubernatorial elections in Okinawa, Japan

Denny Tamaki won the gubernatorial elections on the 30th of September 2018 in Okinawa. Tamaki, who was previously the secretary general of the Liberal Party, is a candidate that opposes the relocation of a U.S. military base on this Japanese island and opposes the construction of the new base at Henoko. The previous Governor Takeshi Onaga unfortunately passed away earlier this summer. Onaga´s policies included a strong position against the presence of U.S. bases in Okinawa. This island, which is located in one of the most southern prefectures, comprises less than one per cent of Japan´s landmass, but accommodates more than two thirds of the U.S. bases in Japan. Continue reading “Denny Tamaki won the gubernatorial elections in Okinawa, Japan”

IPB Youth Network (IPBYN) Public Event and Working Meeting to “Challenges and Positive Approaches to Peace” in Berlin 21-22 September 2018

By Lorena Schwab de la O, IPB intern

IPBYN, in collaboration with IPB and Scientists for Peace Germany (NatWiss), organised a public event on the topic of “Challenges and Positive Approaches to Peace” at Humboldt University on this year´s international day of peace. Continue reading “IPB Youth Network (IPBYN) Public Event and Working Meeting to “Challenges and Positive Approaches to Peace” in Berlin 21-22 September 2018″

IPB Statement: Solidarity with Okinawa

The International Peace Bureau (IPB) stands in support of the people of Okinawa in their struggle to resist the construction of the U.S. military base at Henoko and the dismantling of the Futemma Base.

The Article 9 of the Japanese Constitution for a nuclear-free and peaceful Japan and the renouncing of the use of force as means of settling international dispute have to enforced and strictly adhered to.

The pursuit for peace and justice of the Okinawa people has to be acknowledged and supported. IPB, with its dedication to the vision of a World Without War, and its main work on disarmament for sustainable development understands the far-reaching, negative implications of the presence of the military bases and calls for the extended involvement of all parties concerned.

South Korea: Stop the imprisonment of conscientious objectors!

On 15th of May 2018, in front of the Embassy of the Republic of Korea in Berlin/Germany 

Korea is a divided nation. The tensions with North Korea, ever since the end of the Korean War 1953, are the reason for high militarization in South Korea. The country has a population of 50 million people and an army that consists of 650.000 men and women, which is the fifth biggest army in the world. At the same time, South Korea is an economic power in East Asia and an ally of the USA. All men are liable to military service and have to serve between 21 and 24 months. Anyone who goes against this has to pay a high price. Continue reading “South Korea: Stop the imprisonment of conscientious objectors!”

TWO MINUTES TO MIDNIGHT – How do we move from geopolitical conflict to nuclear abolition?

The conference was convened to analyze and warn about the current nuclear dangers, to raise the UN Nuclear Weapon Ban Treaty and other disarmamentinitiatives, and to build gobal movement for peace and complete nuclear disarmament.

Continue reading “TWO MINUTES TO MIDNIGHT – How do we move from geopolitical conflict to nuclear abolition?”