A Weapons of Mass Destruction Free Zone in the Middle East: Toward Regional Cooperation and Peace

A Night of Insightful Discussions at IPB HQ, Berlin

On Friday, June 7, from 6 to 8 pm CEST, the International Peace Bureau (IPB) headquarters in Berlin buzzed excitedly as it hosted a pivotal event in collaboration with the Middle East Treaty Organization (METO) and the Rosa Luxemburg Foundation. Attendees, both in-person at Marienstr. 19-20 and virtually via Zoom, gathered for a stimulating evening centered on METO’s work and their visionary future plans.

METO’s Vision for a Peaceful Middle East

METO, a coalition of civil society activists and practitioners, is dedicated to creating a Middle East free of weapons of mass destruction. Their overarching goal is to foster a region characterized by peace, integration, and prosperity, grounded in human and environmental security. The organization advances its mission through a combination of policy advocacy and educational programs aimed at promoting regional security and peace.

Distinguished Speakers and Engaging Discussions

The event featured prominent speakers who shed light on METO’s impactful initiatives:

  • Sharon Dolev, Founder and Executive Director of METO and Council Member of IPB, shared insights into the organization’s foundational work and strategic direction.
  • Emad Kiyaei, Director of METO, discussed the critical role of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) in METO’s efforts and the broader vision for regional stability.
  • Asmaa Guedira, from Women’s Environment Leadership, emphasized the importance of integrating gender-based violence (GBV) prevention and the empowerment of women during times of conflict. She highlighted the need for raising awareness and fostering a climate of unity and equality in the Middle East.

The event was moderated by Sean Conner, IPB Executive Director, who guided the discussion and facilitated a Q&A session, allowing attendees to engage directly with the speakers.

Reflections on Past Efforts and Future Aspirations

Speakers reflected on previous peace efforts in the region, such as the significant meetings and decisions made by the Arab League. They reiterated their unwavering commitment to promoting global peace, with a special focus on the Middle East. Asmaa Guedira’s presentation underscored the vital role of gender diversity and the protection of women in conflict zones, urging for a more inclusive approach to peacebuilding.

During the event, speakers presented and discussed their work to promote and build off of the 2002 Arab Peace Initiative, which is a historic document that offered a formula for ending not only the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, but also the wider, lingering Arab–Israeli conflict, and to achieve a collective peace and security.

The event concluded with a small reception, providing an opportunity for attendees to network and discuss the topics further. The blend of in-person and virtual attendance ensured that the message reached a broad and diverse audience, all united by a shared goal of a peaceful and secure Middle East.

Looking Forward

As the evening drew to a close, the sense of optimism and determination was palpable. The participants left with a deeper understanding of METO’s mission and the collective efforts required to achieve lasting peace in the Middle East. The event served as a testament to the power of collaboration and the relentless pursuit of a world free from the threat of weapons of mass destruction.

You may find the full event video below:


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