Joseph Gerson speaks at the Gensuikyo International Forum

IPB’s Vice-President, Joseph Gerson, spoke at the Gensuikyo International Forum, part of the 2019 Bikini Day Commemorative Program in Japan. The event marked the 57th anniversary of the Bikini disaster caused by a U.S. hydrogen bomb test in the year of 1954.

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Abolition 2000´s Webinar on “Preserve the INF Treaty”

On the 17th of January, 2019, the Coordination Committee of Abolition 2000 hosted a webinar on the subject of the imminent unilateral withdrawal from the INF Treaty by the United States of America. The video of this webinar can be found below and each individual presentation can be found under the names of the guest speakers.

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Webinar to Preserve the INF Treaty – Abolition 2000

Join Abolition 2000´s Webinar to Preserve the INF Treaty

on 17 January 2019

The Abolition 2000 Coordinating Committee invites you to join an international webinar Thursday, 17 January, 2019: 10 – 11:30 am California; 1 – 2:30 pm New York; 6 – 7:30 pm UK; 7 – 8:30 pm Central Europe.

Click here for an international time zone converter.

Presenters from the U.S., Russia, Germany and the UK will discuss the history and significance of the INF Treaty and the importance of working to preserve it.

Click here to register.

Mouvement de la Paix – Peace March 14th of October

On the 7th of July 2017 the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (NPT) was adopted and opened for signature at United Nations headquarters in New York on 20 September 2017. France is not one of the signatures and therefore Le Mouvement de la Paix, in order to raise awareness and protest this situation, has called for another peace event on the 14th of October 2018.

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IPB Youth Network (IPBYN) Public Event and Working Meeting to “Challenges and Positive Approaches to Peace” in Berlin 21-22 September 2018

By Lorena Schwab de la O, IPB intern

IPBYN, in collaboration with IPB and Scientists for Peace Germany (NatWiss), organised a public event on the topic of “Challenges and Positive Approaches to Peace” at Humboldt University on this year´s international day of peace. Continue reading “IPB Youth Network (IPBYN) Public Event and Working Meeting to “Challenges and Positive Approaches to Peace” in Berlin 21-22 September 2018″

Seán MacBride Peace Prize 2018

The International Peace Bureau awards the Seán MacBride Peace Prize every year to a person, or organisation, or movement in recognition of its outstanding work for peace, disarmament, human rights.

This year the IPB Board has chosen the following three winners of the prize:

AHDR (Association For Historical Dialogue and Research) and Home for Cooperation

Helena Maleno

Douglas Roche
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