The Ban Treaty – Next Steps: Sign and Ratify

Dear friends of peace,

Dear colleagues,

A historical document was adopted by 122 states at the UN on July 7th: the treaty prohibiting nuclear weapons.

For many years we have been working for and promoted such a treaty. As the South-African Ambassador said, we faced through the last years “an incredible amount of pressure”, we were accused of being “irrealistic” and divisive, but this treaty had to be achieved as a “moral duty”. Continue reading “The Ban Treaty – Next Steps: Sign and Ratify”

Joseph Gerson Reports on IPB Ban Treaty Side Event


I am ostensibly on vacation, but I am en route home after a quick trip to New York City where I chaired I side event at the U.N. on the impacts of the Ban Treaty. That is to say how our movements can build on the treaty whose text will be completed Friday. Continue reading “Joseph Gerson Reports on IPB Ban Treaty Side Event”

Report on the second week at the UN negotiations to prohibit nuclear weapons

New York 26-30 June 2017

The second week of the negotiations for a Treaty on the prohibition of nuclear weapons started with the publication on June 27th of the second draft of the Treaty (now called a “Treaty” and no more a “Convention”.) The 130 states in the room are now actively negotiating long hours in small or big committees in order to keep open the possibility to finalize a good text by June 7th. Continue reading “Report on the second week at the UN negotiations to prohibit nuclear weapons”

Report – 2nd Negotiations Round on a Nulcear Weapons Ban Treaty

After the successful session in March 2017 and the publication of the draft of the Convention to prohibit nuclear weapons by the Chair Ambassador Elayne Whyte from Costa Rica, the Second round of negotiations on a Convention started on June 15th.

The sprit of the 125+ participating countries is productive and dynamic and no major disagreements have been stopping the hard works of the participants from going forward. Nuclear weapons States possessors and their allies, the countries who rely on nuclear weapons in their security doctrines, have chosen to boycott the process, except the Netherlands. Continue reading “Report – 2nd Negotiations Round on a Nulcear Weapons Ban Treaty”

Activity Reports

IPB’s annual Activity Reports are an account of all activities conducted throughout the year. They describe our strategy and the events organized and publications produced to achieve it. The reports also list the names of the Board and Council members.

Activity Report 2021

Activity Report 2020

Activity Report 2019

Activity Report 2018

Activity Report 2017

Activity Report 2016

Activity Report 2015

Activity Report 2014

Activity Report 2013

Activity Report 2012

Activity Report 2011

Activity Report 2010

Activity Report 2009

Activity Report 2008

Activity Report 2006 – 2007

Activity Report 2005

Activity Report 2004

Activity Report 2001 – 2003

Activity Report 1998 – 2000

Activity Report 1997

Activity Report 1995 – 1996

Activity Report 1994 – 1995

Activity Report 1993 – 1994

Activity Report 1992 – 1993

Activity Report 1991 – 1992

Activity Report 1990 – 1991

Do you want to know more about IPB’s history before 1990? Take a look at the book published in April 1991 by Reiner Santi and the International Peace Bureau:

100 years of peace making – A history of the International Peace Bureau and other international peace movement organisations and networks