Monday with Yurii

Let’s start the week with Yurii, debunking myths and providing updates on his case.

“I will not run from my home and my country; if I am sent to prison for pacifism, I will find a way to be useful for peace-loving Ukraine even in prison. I will think, write, and seek ways to contribute to a permanent worldwide dialogue on peace. I will educate fellow inmates about peace and human rights, and I will help them, especially if they are also political prisoners.”

In solidarity with Yurii, please support peace movements in your countries materially. Support Ukrainian peace and human rights activists, as well as his situation, by sharing information and providing funds. Give peace the budget!

As Yurii said today, together, through nonviolent action, scientific knowledge, faith, and hope, we can build a better world where everybody refuses to kill, thereby eliminating wars.

Yurii Sheliazhenko, an IPB Council Member and the Executive Secretary of the Ukrainian Pacifist Movement, is a legal scholar, journalist, writer, and human rights defender. IPB nominates the Ukrainian Pacifist Movement for the #2024NobelPeacePrize, along with two other organizations (Our House and the Movement of Conscientious Objectors), which focus on the right to conscientious objection.

Watch the full episode here: