Members of the IPB Board Meet in Paris

On 22 and 24 March, IPB’s Board members gathered at the offices of our member Le Mouvement de la Paix, in Paris. Throughout the weekend, the Board discussed future projects and activities and, among other subjects, deliberated over recent membership candidatures for IPB’s network.

The Board of IPB came together on the 23nd and the 24th of March for its first in-person meeting this year. During the meeting, which took place in the office of our partner organisation Mouvement de la Paix, the members of the board deliberated about IPB’s current and future projects and recent membership applications, among other matters.
Discussions took place about the current events and activities linked to our Global Campaign on Military Spending (GCOMS) and the 2019 Global Days on Military Spending (GDAMS), which will take place between April 13 and May 9. This year´s slogan for GDAMS is “Demilitarize! Invest in people’s needs”. The board members also exchanged views on a series of other events and activities, including the counteractions to NATO´s 70th Anniversary that will happen in Washington DC from March 30 to April 4, the side events planned for the NPT Preparatory Committee Session in New York City, and the IPB Youth Network Conference taking place next September, in Berlin.
Equally important, the board discussed extensively about the new challenges lying ahead of IPB. This included, for example, an exchange about IPB’s upcoming Triennial Meeting, which will happen in London in late October and during which new board and council members will be elected. Furthermore, the current board member talked about strategies to strengthen the network and the ties between our members, in order to become more resilient in the face of the new global issues.

Furthermore, we are delighted to announce that two organisations were accepted by the board as new members of our global network: the “Global Initiative for Environment and Reconciliation”, from Rwanda, and the “Bharat Uday Mission”, from India. You can read more about these organisations on page 11 of our [ddownload id=”3233″ button=”blue” text=”March Newsletter”].