Statement of Support for Turkish Conscientious Objectors

Issued by the Deutsche Friedensgesellschaft – Vereinigte KriegsdienstgegnerInnen (DFG-VK) German Peace Society – United War Resisters

We have just heard accounts from those directly affected by the criminalization of conscientious objection in Turkey. Their experiences are a stark reminder that the fight against militarism is not abstract—it is about real people facing real persecution. Their voices demand that we turn what we have heard today into meaningful action.

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IPB Statement on Democratic Republic of Congo

The International Peace Bureau expresses deep concern regarding the advance of the Rwanda-backed M23 rebels in Eastern Democratic Republic of Congo including in the regional capital of Goma. To this day and despite international humanitarian law, humanitarian assistance remains blocked outside Goma, while the population is still deprived of access to drinking water, electricity, Internet, sufficient food and adequate health care – the capacity of hospitals is saturated. The ongoing violence not only endangers the stability and well-being of the people of the DRC but also threatens peace and security across the whole region.

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European Speaking Tour: Conscientious Objectors from Türkiye Share Their Fight for Human Rights

Human rights activists from Turkey are sharing their personal experiences during their European speaking tour.

Türkiye does not recognize the human right to conscientious objection to military service. As a result, conscientious objectors face lifelong ‘civil death,’ enduring persecution, fines, and prison sentences. By refusing military service, they take a clear stand against militarization and war in Türkiye.

Conscientious objectors and their supporters actively organize through Vicdani Ret İzleme (Conscientious Objection Watch). We have invited them to share their work and experiences with us. This event offers a unique opportunity to hear firsthand accounts from conscientious objectors about their strategies of resistance against conscription and war in Türkiye. They will also discuss their connections with groups in Kurdish regions and explore whether conscientious objection can be a path to ending the war in the region.

Additionally, they will present the work of Vicdani Ret İzleme and invite you to join their efforts in opposing war and conscription.

The speakers

Merve Arkun is one of the vice presidents of the European Bureau for Conscientious Objection and an executive member of War Resisters’ International, will give briefings on the current situation of the right to conscientious objection in Türkiye and examples of the work carried out. She will also share gender perspectives on conscientious objection as a human right.

Hüseyin Civan is a conscientious objector and has been subjected to restrictions on his civil rights and is experiencing „civil death” (a term used by the European Court of Human Rights to describe the situation of conscientious objectors in Türkiye) due to his refusal to serve in the army.

Inan Aru is a conscientious objector and has been tried and imprisoned many times on the same charge due to Türkiye’s failure to recognize the right to conscientious objection.

Hülya Üçpinar is a human rights lawyer from Türkiye, and has a long track record of campaigning for the right to conscientious objection in Türkiye. She is also experienced in applying for this human right within the European and UN system. She is an executive committee member of War Resisters’ International and one of the co-founders of the Nonviolent Education and Research Centre based in İstanbul.

We will be glad to have them in person in Berlin on 27 February, together with Deutsche Friedensgesellschaft – Vereinigte Kriegsdienstgegner (DFG-VK). You can register at and please check the complete Berlin event details here:

The tour is organized by Connection e.V. and War Resisters’ International. Stay tuned for their tour dates and venues at:

Check the flyer below for their schedule (English, German and Turkish):

War & Peace Prospects for ASEAN and Asia in the Trump Era by Reiner Braun

January 28, 2025 -Philippines

Reiner Braun, former president and executive director of the Berlin-based International Peace Bureau (IPB), shared his insights on global peace and the urgent need to avoid World War III during his talk at the Pandesal Forum, held at Kamuning Bakery Café. The event, moderated by Wilson Lee Flores, focused on the topic War & Peace Prospects for ASEAN and Asia in the Trump Era.

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Arctic Council – what and where to?Arctic Council – too important to be squeezed between the great powers!

Author: Ingeborg Breines

Norwegian peace educator, former director in UNESCO and former president of the International Peace Bureau/IPB

There are many reasons to pay close attention to what is happening in the far north. The Arctic is attracting strong international interest as global warming and melting ice open up for more fishing, more drilling of oil and gas and hunt for minerals on the seabed. In addition, there is increased shipping, especially in the Northeast Passage, with faster trade and transport opportunities between the West and the Far East.

Continue reading “Arctic Council – what and where to?Arctic Council – too important to be squeezed between the great powers!”

Support the Emergency Humanitarian Response in Goma, North Kivu

The humanitarian situation in Goma, North Kivu, Democratic Republic of Congo has reached critical levels, and urgent intervention is needed to support the most vulnerable populations. Over 1.7 million people in North Kivu are displaced, with many living in dire conditions without access to basic services. Women, children, and the elderly are suffering from extreme food insecurity, lack of healthcare, and inadequate shelter. The constant threat of sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV) makes Goma one of the most dangerous places for women and girls.

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Doomsday Clock Set at 89 Seconds to Midnight

January 28, 2025 – WASHINGTON, D.C.
The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists’ Science and Security Board (SASB) has set the Doomsday Clock at 89 seconds to midnight, marking the closest it has ever been in its 78-year history. This historic adjustment underscores the alarming trajectory of global risks and highlights the urgent need for immediate, collective action to avert catastrophe.

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Sierra Leone: New Anti-Democratic Law to Silence Critics

By: Africanist Press | 23 January 2024

The Sierra Leone Parliament has recently endorsed a controversial Counter Terrorism Act, which threatens the fundamental civil rights of citizens and grants sweeping powers to the state to silence opposition. This legislation, passed with little public consultation, could criminalize free speech, labeling dissent as terrorism. Its provisions target journalists, academics, and any individuals or groups the government deems a threat to national security. This bill is seen as a direct assault on freedoms of expression and academic inquiry in Sierra Leone.

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Podcast Episode: Community Voices: IPB Calls for Unity and Peace in Liberia’s House of Representatives

By: Africanist Press

In this episode, Africanist Press, with Tyson Smith Berry Jr., IPB Council Member, explores critical issues in Liberia. The IPB has urged members of Liberia’s House of Representatives to unite and address the ongoing parliamentary deadlock that has stalled legislative activities since October 2024.

Tyson delves into the petition, emphasizing the importance of unity and peace in the Liberian House of Representatives and highlighting why collaboration between the Reform and Loyalist Blocs is crucial for the country’s future.

 Listen now:

1. To listen on Spotify, click here.

2. To listen on Amazon, click here.

Join the movement! Sign our urgent call for action in Liberia to support unity and progress. Together, we can make a difference.

We thank you, Africanist Press for this collaboration.

In Memoriam: Federico Mayor Zaragoza 

“We must move from the law of the jungle to that of understanding, dialogue, and listening, to the conviction that people understand each other by talking”

The International Peace Bureau (IPB) deeply mourns the passing of close friend and dedicated culture of peace advocate Federico Mayor Zaragoza.  As Director of UNESCO from 1987 until 1999, he centered the importance of education as a tool for development, peace and human security. In 2000, he founded the Fundación Cultura de Paz, dedicated to promoting a culture of peace and building dialogue and understanding between cultures and peoples, emphasizing the importance of gender equality and women’s involvement in a culture of peace. He was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize on several occasions, including by IPB.

For IPB, Federico represented a beacon of hope for peace and international cooperation and we were proud to work with him frequently over the years. In 1999, his speech at the Hague Appeal for Peace Conference opened up doors for international partnership with UNESCO on the Global Campaign for Peace Education. He welcomed IPB into the Ubuntu Civil Society Network and helped organized our 2016 and 2021 World Peace Congresses in Berlin and Barcelona. His speeches inspired – but even more, they provided hope and concrete actions for a more peaceful future.

We honor his legacy and his lifetime of contributions to peace, justice, and cultural dialogue. Our thoughts are with his family, friends, and all who were touched by his remarkable life.

Federico Mayor, December 2024

“We, the peoples, have resolved to save future generations from the scourge of war”. – UN Charter

When everything appeared

indecipherable, irreversible,

dark and meaningless,

radiantly arose in every human being

the light of the extraordinary mystery

of life

Suddenly, renewed hope

on new paths

on a personal and collective scale.

Now, duty of memory, for urgent action.

Now, at last, the power of the word

and never again that of arms.

Now, yes now, “we, the peoples”,

equal in dignity.

Continue reading “In Memoriam: Federico Mayor Zaragoza “