IPB Open Letter to UN Secretary-General António Guterres

Call for Disarmament and the Reduction of Global Military Spending

Dear Mr. Secretary-General,

We write to you on behalf of the International Peace Bureau and more than 11.000 signatories to express our support for your call for a global ceasefire. We would also like to emphasize the need for (nuclear) disarmament and the reallocation of money from the military to healthcare, social, and environmental needs – to the fulfilment of the Social Development Goals.

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IPB Calls for Renewed Peace Talks and an End to the Violence between Armenia and Azerbaijan

At the time of writing, more than 100 lives have been lost since fighting began in Nagorno-Karabakh, on the 27th of September.  In the spirit of the International Day of Non-Violence, the 2nd of October, the IPB calls for an immediate end to the violence and for a non-violent resolution to the conflict. Continue reading “IPB Calls for Renewed Peace Talks and an End to the Violence between Armenia and Azerbaijan”

4th International Congress against Military Bases and Wars Develops New Strategies for International Cooperation

Read the complete congress declaration in English y en español.

The 4th International Congress against Military Bases and Wars was held on 25 September 2020 as a hybrid online-offline event due to the Covid-19 pandemic. More than 20 people were present in Berlin and more than 70 online to discuss the current state of military bases around the world and what actions must be taken to combat the growing trends of militarism, confrontation, environmental degradation, and more.

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IPB Statement on the Moria Refugee Camp

The Moria Refugee Camp on the Greek island of Lesbos was home to more than 13.000 refugees. Despite the fact that it was only intended to temporarily host 3.000 people at a time. That was five-years ago. During the night on the 8th of September most of the camp burned to the ground, and what remains is left uninhabitable. Continue reading “IPB Statement on the Moria Refugee Camp”

IPB Co-President Speaks at the Fair Share for Children Summit 2020

On 10 September 2020, IPB Co-President Philip Jennings spoke at the Fair Share for Children Summit 2020, hosted by the Laureates & Leaders for Children. Philip’s speech, in full below, focused on the increased vulnerability of children on the move – particularly in the context of war  and the Covid-19 crisis – reinforcing the call for a global ceasefire and a redirection of spending from the military to caring for the most vulnerable children.

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IPB Co-President Philip Jennings Speaks to 2020 World Conference against A and H Bombs

On Nagasaki Day 2020, the 75th anniversary of the USA dropping an atomic bomb on the city, IPB Co-President Philip Jennings gave the following speech to the attendees of the 2020 World Conference against A and H Bombs: Continue reading “IPB Co-President Philip Jennings Speaks to 2020 World Conference against A and H Bombs”

MacBride Prize 2020 awarded to Black Lives Matter and Hibakusha Signature Campaign

The International Peace Bureau awards the Seán MacBride Peace Prize (see also here) every year to a person, or organisation, or movement in recognition of its outstanding work for peace, disarmament, human rights. It is named after Seán MacBride, a Nobel Peace Prize winner who was chair of the IPB from 1968–74 and president from 1974-1985. Continue reading “MacBride Prize 2020 awarded to Black Lives Matter and Hibakusha Signature Campaign”