Michelle L. Clemente – Assistant Coordinator

Michelle Clemente joined our team in May 2023.

Michelle is a peace and development worker with a decade of experience. Her expertise encompasses peace education, community-driven development, and capacity building in both conflict and non-conflict zones, as well as indigenous communities. She has authored peace education books and spearheaded national projects in the Philippines. Michelle holds dual master’s degrees in Peace Education and Political Science, focusing on global politics. Her life mission is to cultivate intergenerational peacebuilders for more peaceful hearts, homes, and communities.

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Emily Molinari – Deputy Executive Director

Emily Molinari joined our team in May 2023 as Assistant Coordinator, and since 2024, she has been serving as IPB’s Deputy Executive Director. Among other campaigns and tasks, she focuses on the IPB Latin America Network and the Common Security Working Group.

Emily Molinari, from Italy, holds a Bachelor’s double degree in International Studies from the Università degli Studi di Trento (Italy) and the Katholische Universität Eichstätt-Ingolstadt (Germany). Currently, she is finalizing a binational Master’s degree in Conflict, Memory and Peace from the KU Eichstätt-Ingolstadt and the Universidad del Rosario in Bogotá (Colombia).

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Alessandra Fontanella – Assistant Coordinator

Alessandra Fontanella joined IPB as Assistant Coordinator in September, 2022.

She is currently working towards an MA in International Cooperation at the University of Turin, Italy and is focusing her research on food insecurity and conflict.  Alessandra holds a BA in Foreign Languages and an MA in International Relations. Previously, she has worked in ethical data analysis and administration.

Reiner Braun

Reiner Braun is the former Executive Director of IPB. He studied German Literature, History and Journalism. Since 1982, he has been actively involved in the Peace Movement, working in the office of the “Krefelder Appeal” against new nuclear weapons in Europe. He was the Executive Director for Scientists for Peace and Sustainability for several years starting in 1983 (Germany).

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