NATO Turns Global and Expands Theatres of Escalation

By: Prof. Anuradha Chenoy

This article was first published in Economic&Political Weekly (Vol. 59, Issue No. 30, 27 Jul, 2024), then IDN-InDepthNews, and is being republished with the author‘s permission.

NEW DELHI | 2 August 2024 (IDN) — The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) of 32 Western countries has formally declared its security interests to be global, despite its title and founding mandate as a transatlantic security alliance. The 75th anniversary summit held in Washington (10 July) conceptualised its security as a “360-degree approach”, indispensable and essential. The reason to extend its operations are because the threats to NATO are “global and interconnected”. (1) It is the instrument for the “rules-based order” which NATO demarcates from international law. NATO signals that it will operationalise its strategic reach globally anywhere any time and will likely be intolerant and indifferent to the security needs of those outside this exclusive club.

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