Reflection Tuesday | Olga Karach spoke at St. Marienkirche-Friedrichswerder in Berlin during the Martin Luther King Days

Read the heartwarming speech by Olga Karatch, Our House during the Martin Luther King anniversary in Berlin on September 13.

In her speech, Olga shared the real stories of struggle and solidarity among human rights activists, political prisoners, conscientious objectors, and their families in Belarus.

Today, more than ever, we need to support Belarusian and Russian conscientious objectors—men who refuse to take up arms and support Vladimir Putin in his war against Ukraine. This is the simplest thing we can do—to help our men avoid fighting in this war. This means fewer Ukrainian casualties and a quicker end to the war. Because even with the most modern technology, Putin and Lukashenko cannot fight if they don’t have soldiers. Let’s work together to ensure they don’t have soldiers.

👉 Stay informed and inspired by their courage. Full Article:

#humanrights #solidarity #belarus #lithuania #conscientiousobjectors #PoliticalPrisoners #protectionforOlga