Nagasaki Commemoration Rally

by Corazon Fabros, speech at the Rally – Nagasaki Commemoration Day

Friends, I am deeply honored and grateful to speak at our Nagasaki Day Rally. I bring solidarity greetings from the Philippines and from the International Peace Bureau.  This year’s commemoration touched me deeply to hear the calls for unity despite our diversity, and the consolidation of our forces across movements, generations and peoples here in Japan.  And most specially the presence of many young people as we have seen during the Peace March and in this hall this morning.

In that spirit, I wish to thank the international relay peace marchers this year. Your presence provided encouragement to many young people making the 60th year of the Peace March truly meaningful. Let us double our efforts to reach out to more young people and make the international youth relay, truly representative of the future generation’s commitment to the total elimination of nuclear weapons and war.

Against the backdrop of rising fascist and dictatorial regimes in most of Asia and the Pacific, the continuing advance of our campaign for the elimination of nuclear weapons and foreign military bases faces tremendous challenge with the narrowing democratic space necessary to advance our cause. We must find ways to address our issues comprehensively, creatively, inclusively forging solidarities with other movements to broaden our critical mass.

It is heartwarming to experience strong leadership presence of my sisters in the women’s movement. Your support for the Peace March and in the continuing struggles in many islands in Asia and the Pacific is remarkable! The dynamic and committed leadership of our Korean sisters as they host Women Cross DMZ – gives us a glimpse of what could be a fulfillment of our long time hope for united Korea at last! We must continue to provide this quality of presence, in greater numbers and passion to fight the continuing discrimination, misogyny and marginalization of women, children and peoples of color. No Women, No Peace!

Let us stand with the Hibakushas, whose fading health and weakening voice bear witness to the injustice and inhumane treatment by their own governments and the government of the United States. Let us not forget those who have gone before us . . . remembering them with deep gratitude in our hearts, today and always . . . Senji Yamaguchi . . . Sumiteru Taniguchi . . . Nelson Anjain . . many others . . . Let us be their collective and rallying voice so that their determined call of “NEVER AGAIN A-BOMB!” will come to fruition.  NO MORE HIROSHIMA! NO MORE NAGASAKI NO MORE HIBAKUSHA! NO MORE WAR!!

We express our continuing solidarity with the peoples of Okinawa and share in their grief with the passing of Governor Onaga, who in his lifetime exemplified the leader who listened to his people, courageous and determined to the end, loving and living the Okinawan credo “Nuchi du takara”.  Let us honor him by continuing his legacy of a united Okinawan resistance. During this critical period in the Okinawan struggle, we call for support to stop Henoko construction. . . The Okinawan people–of all generations–have stood steadily and mightily against the US and Japanese governments. Let us help build the strongest movement against the continuing scourge of U.S. military occupation and intervention in our communities!


ZETTAI NI AKIRA MENAI!! (The only way to win is to never give up!)