Minority Coverage Foundation

168-38, Gill Street, Bahar Colony No. 2, Kotlakhpat

Minority Coverage Foundation was established in 2006 as a non-profitable and non-governmental organization and was registered in 2007 under the Society Registration Act. XXI of 1860 vide registration no RP/4062-L/S/07 with (E & IP) department Lahore, Pakistan.

MCF works towards bringing out policies of planning and development of marginal communities with a view to create an environment in which deprived communities may be able to transform their lives in self reliance and self sustainability with respect.

With the advent of the new millennium people are facing with formidable challenges as the government spreading on the social sector as dwindled manifold. During the last few years we have seen a galloping gap between haves and haves not. MCF is, indeed a manifestation for special love and composition for deprived communities and society as a whole.