Conscientious Objection in Turkey: Struggles, Repression, and the Fight for Human Rights

In Turkey, conscientious objectors endure lifelong ‘civil death,’ facing persecution, fines, and imprisonment for refusing military service. Their refusal is a direct stand against militarization and war, highlighting the deeply rooted militaristic culture in the country.

The speeches below share the experiences of Turkish conscientious objectors, delivered during the Alternative Civil Death: What It Means to Be a Conscientious Objector in Turkey event in Berlin on 27 February 2025. Part of the European Speaking Tour: Conscientious Objectors from Türkiye Share Their Fight for Human Rights, the event brought together human rights and peace activists from Turkey and Berlin. They also introduced Vicdani Ret İzleme (Conscientious Objection Watch) and invited support for their efforts against war and conscription.

Read the speeches below to gain insights into their narratives and the challenges they face in their fight for human rights and right not to kill.

Speech by Merve Arkun:

In the early 1990s, the first conscientious objectors in Turkey publicly declared their refusal to serve in the military and spoke out against war, militarism, and compulsory military service. This act of defiance marked the beginning of a broader movement that grew throughout the decade, with objectors and anti-war activists organizing in different cities, carrying out anti-war activities, and initiating solidarity campaigns for endangered conscientious objectors.

In the 2000s, various social groups such as women, high school students, anarchists, socialists, Muslims, and Kurds became involved in the conscientious objection movement, each developing their own dynamics within the movement. This represented a significant step forward, allowing the movement to have a broader impact on society.

In 2013, the Conscientious Objection Association (VR-DER) was established, marking a milestone in the movement. This led to increased lobbying for the right to conscientious objection in many cities beyond just the major metropolitan areas. At this time, efforts to raise awareness about the issue were made through national and international lobbying activities, focusing on different aspects of militarism, such as suspicious deaths within the military.

However, the political repression and authoritarian nature of Turkey since 2015 led to significant restrictions on conscientious objectors and their activities. Investigations and legal proceedings were repeatedly initiated against members and organizers, leading many objectors to seek asylum in EU countries.

Due to these increasing restrictions and legal limitations, the VR-DER was shut down, but the active members continue to monitor and report on the current situation through an organization known as Conscientious Objection Watch.

Speech by Conscientious Objector (anonymous presentation):

A conscientious objector shared their personal experiences in Turkey, shedding light on the deep-rooted militarism that defines much of Turkish society. In Turkey, military service has long been considered a civic duty and the very essence of national identity. The country has a history of military coups and a strong military culture that instills an unwavering sense of duty to defend the nation.

They explained that the slogan “Every Turk is born a soldier” embodies the intertwining of nationalism and military service, placing enormous pressure on individuals, especially men, to serve in the military. This belief is closely tied to a patriarchal structure, where men who refuse military service are often seen as not fulfilling their societal role and are considered less than “real men.”

The relationship between military service and gender roles is also stark: men are seen as first-class citizens, while women are expected to fulfill the role of “sacred mothers.” They emphasized that this strong connection between militarism and patriarchy played a crucial role in the development of the conscientious objection movement in Turkey, with conscientious objectors also fighting against gender discrimination.

They then shared their own story. They first became aware of conscientious objection and anti-militarism during their university studies. In 2015, deeply moved by the situation in Kurdish provinces, they publicly declared their refusal to serve in the military. This decision had a profound impact on their life, affecting both their academic and professional future. They were unable to finish their Master’s degree, as military service is a requirement for academic progression.

In their work life, they faced severe consequences for their refusal, as those who have not completed military service are often unable to find employment in both the public and private sectors in Turkey. This has resulted in a perpetual cycle of job insecurity, where they were forced to take up unregistered and uninsured work. They also face difficulties in opening a personal bank account due to the fines imposed on them as a conscientious objector.

Despite the daily challenges, including arbitrary state practices and limitations on their freedom of movement, they remain committed to their refusal to participate in military service. They expressed the immense toll this constant pressure has taken on their family, particularly their young son, who witnesses the distress they face due to state repression.

Through these powerful accounts, we gain a deeper understanding of the personal sacrifices conscientious objectors like Merve Arkun and others have made in their pursuit of peace, justice, and human rights. These stories highlight the harsh realities faced by those who dare to question militarism in a society where it is deeply ingrained. Their courage serves as a reminder of the importance of fighting for the recognition of conscientious objection as a fundamental human right.