The Global Network of Women Peacebuilders, an autonomous program of the International Civil society Action Network, is a coalition of 70 women’s groups and other civil society organizations from Africa, Asia and the Pacific, Latin America, Eastern and Western Europe and West Asia – mostly in conflict-affected countries – that are actively involved in advocacy and action for the full and effective implementation of the WPS resolutions. Formed in 2010, GNWP bridges the gap between policy discussions and implementation on the ground on women, peace and security issues. GNWP’s programmatic focus includes various activities such as Civil Society Monitoring of UNSCR 1325, Localization of UNSCR 1325 and 1820, Support to UNSCR 1325 National Action Plans processes, Advocacy for the upcoming CEDAW General Recommendation, 1325 Media Outreach, as well as publications and advocacy initiatives on the issue of women, peace and security. GNWP has a strong track record in civil society monitoring of UNSCR 1325 and 1820; in revitalizing the implementation of NAPs through its Localization of UNSCR 1325 and 1820 program; and in galvanizing civil society efforts in advocacy for the implementation of the WPS resolutions and also contributing to efforts in supporting victims of sexual violence, ending impunity and preventing conflicts/wars.
Global Network of Women Peacebuilders