DHESARME – Ação Brasileira pelo Desarmamento Humanitário

+55 45 991114309 / +55 49 999562711
Tancredo Neves Avenue, 3147 number, Porto Belo neighbourhood
Iguaçu city, Paraná State

Dhesarme began as the “Brazilian Campaign Against Landmines”, founded in 1996 by peace activists Father Marcelo Rezende Guimarães (1959-2015) and Pastor Ricardo Wangen (1924-2006), with the support of various Brazilian NGOs such as “In Search of Peace”, “Serpaz” and Amnesty International. From the outset, the Campaign was recognized as a member of the International Campaign to Ban Landmines (ICBL), a 1997 Nobel Peace Prize laureate.
Between 1996 and 2007, the Campaign’s trajectory focused on the issue of landmines. It was characterized by persistent activism for civil society awareness, universalization, and implementation of the Landmine Eradication Treaty (signed in 1997 and in force in 1999). The activities carried out included lobbying for ratification of the Treaty by Brazil, implementation, reducing the number of mines retained for training, expanding assistance to victims, collaborative research for the Landmine Monitor (now the Landmine Monitor and Munitions Cluster), participation in international diplomatic forums, including action in relation to Portuguese-speaking countries and Latin America. In this context, the Campaign was a member of the ICBL Coordination Committee between 2003-2005.
Main activities:
Dhesarme carries out its activities through four types of action:
– Activism
By activism, we mean raising awareness, training, and mobilizing civil society to act purposefully in the various social spheres in support of the objectives and values promoted by Dhesarme.
– Advocacy
Dhesarme works with government bodies to influence Brazilian foreign policy by monitoring compliance with international obligations in the field of humanitarian disarmament and arms control, and by pressing for the construction of policies based on the defense of peace and the prevalence of human rights, as provided for in the 1988 Federal Constitution, and consistent with the principles of international humanitarian law.
– Knowledge Production
Dhesarme produces research on the topics of humanitarian disarmament and arms control, seeking to analyze existing international processes and regimes in the area, and Brazilian policy towards these issues in order to propose solutions to the challenges identified. In addition, Dhesarme translates official documents, treaties, reports, and news in other languages into Portuguese, to increase accessibility in Brazil to existing information and materials in the field of humanitarian disarmament and arms control. In addition, Dhesarme promotes research in the Brazilian academic community through partnerships with universities, lectures, mini-courses, and competitions for academic articles.
– Engaging young people in leadership positions
Dhesarme seeks to disseminate knowledge and various opportunities to young people, especially university students, on the subject of humanitarian disarmament and international humanitarian law through free training events for young people and a selection process for volunteers in the organization itself, in operations, research, or communications positions.