Week of Global Mobilization for Peace in Ukraine

The International Peace Bureau (IPB) calls the civil society organizations in all countries to join a Week of Global Mobilization for Peace in Ukraine (WGMPU) from Saturday 30th September to Sunday –  8th October 2023. The common goal is to call an immediate ceasefire and peace negotiations to end the war in Ukraine.

As a participant in the international Ukraine coalition, IPB will compile and record all the events and incidents associated with the WGMPU on this webpage.

The interested groups will carry out their own initiatives to advance peace in Ukraine. IPB’s responsibilities are to promote all the planned activities and advertise them on the website and social media pages. You can join us with your activities using the link below.

See Partner Organizations’ Activities and Events by clicking on the respective country

➤ Austria
    • 2 & 3 Oct. 2023: “The Ukraine War: Backgrounds and Perspectives”. Lecture by Clemens Ronnefeldt with discussion. Organiser: International Fellowship of Reconciliation. 2.10.2023, 19:00 in Linz (Wissensturm Kärntnerstraße 26); 3.10.2023, 19:00 in Vienna (C3, Alois-Wagner-Saal, Sensengasse 3)
  • AbFaNG list of activities;
  • Grazer Initiative für Frieden und Neutralität
  • 6.10.2023, 15.00 to 17.00 in Graz, Hauptplatz (corner of Sporgasse) – Rally: Stop the war in Ukraine – Immediate ceasefire and negotiations.
➤ Belgium
  • Vrede
    • 24 Oct. 2023 (5pm): Koningsstraat (Congreskolom tegenover nr 77, 1000 Brussel – Stop the killing! An arms truce for Ukraine! In Belgium, the peace movement is calling for people to participate in a peace vigil at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier.
➤ Canada
  • September 30-October 30 street vigil at 10AM – handouts and discussions on alternatives to violent responses to conflict on an international scale
  • Location: Arnprior District Museum 35 Madawaska Street,
  • Arnprior, ON K7S 2N7
  • “You have a right to peace, to live in confidence that conflicts, political or otherwise does not threaten your right to safety and protection of your life. I and my community stand with you.”
  • Canada-Wide Peace and Justice Network
➤ Czech Republic
  • Prague Spring II Network
  • Following up its participation in the Vienna International Conference on Peace in the Ukraine (June 10th and 11th, 2023) the “Prague Spring II Network against far right extremism and populism” founded in 2010 in the framework of the European Social Forum has organized this webinar in order to promote a Universal Disarmement and a political solution to all military conflicts and particularly the war in the Ukraine.
➤ Denmark
➤ Germany
➤ France
  • Le Mouvement de la Paix & Collectif 21 Septembre:
  • 21 September, for the International Day of Peace
  • 23 September, for rallies and demonstrations against nuclear weapons
  • 26 September, the International Day for the Total Elimination of Nuclear Weapons.
  • Saturday October 7, everywhere in France, gatherings and demonstrations within the framework of the “World Day of mobilizations and actions for peace:
    • Angers: Rally on Saturday, October 7 at 3pm, Place du Ralliement.
    • Boulogne sur Mer: Rally on October 7, 2023 at 11am in front of the Tree of Peace.
    • Lorient: Rally on Saturday October 7, 10:30 am, Place Glotin (sous-préfecture)
    • Lyon: Rally on October 7, Place Raspail at 2pm for an end to the fighting in Ukraine and an end to negotiations.
    • Rennes: Rally on Saturday October 7, Place de la République at 3:30pm for peace in Ukraine
    • Saint-Malo: Rally on October 7 at 2:30pm Esplanade St-Vincent, in response to the call from Vienne. Saint Malo Peace Movement Committee.
➤ Hungary
  1. – WILPF activists for peace in Europe:
    • 29.09., 30.09., 01.10: Conference in Budapest (conference venue)
➤ India
    • 6th of October – Peermade: discussion organized by an IPB inidividual member
➤ Ireland
  1. Irish Neutrality League 
    • 28 September: In person event – Why Neutrality Neutral Ireland can play a positive role supporting ceasefire and negotiations.
➤ Israel
  1. Club for Social Initiatives – OneFuture
    • 5 October (11am), In person event, Hod HaSharon Park – “An urgent summit of countries with nuclear weapons – as a way to an immediate ceasefire in Ukraine. “PLEDGE never to use nuclear weapons first – NFU – No First Use agreement”. Street, open area talks with people and Parlament Members.
  2. “We ask you to support the GLOBAL PEACE INITIATIVE: “Pledge Never to Use Nuclear Weapons First” (“No First Use”). An emergency summit must be held and the leaders of the Nuclear Weapons countries must be brought to the negotiating table if a ceasefire in Ukraine is to be achieved immediately. The summit should adopt the “NFU – No First Use Agreement – Pledge never to use Nuclear weapons first”. We urgently demand the convening of the UN Security Council in a neutral country at the level of leaders of the state in order to save the world from global catastrophes! We ask you to organize a special summit — as soon as possible — to discuss this global community call: “Pledge Never to Use Nuclear Weapons First”. We appeal to all political leaders of the world, support this Global Peace Initiative, put this issue on the political agenda of the UN General Meeting We appeal to all leaders of spiritual faiths – turn to your flock with a spiritual message to support this Global Peace Initiative. If no one ever uses nuclear weapons first, then a nuclear war never starts. And Humanity will take another big step along the path of OneFuture.”
➤ Italy
  1. Europe for Peace and Rete Pace e Disarmo:
  2. “Ceasefire and negotiation to save life and build peace”
  3. Comitato Pace e non più Guerra
  4. “All those who want to stop the war and the sending of weapons and want to get the talks resumed can converge in a political list to be presented in the next European elections”
  5. – Tavola Pace Friuli-Venezia Giulia
  6. “Let’s stand together
➤ Kenya
  1. Umoja
    • 30 September – Nairobi (11am), Teach-in and street vigil. –
      • Our world without war / Ukraine’s Children life matters.
      • Be courageous and don’t lose hope. Together we all wishing you peace and Joy
➤ Mexico
  1. Grupo Renovador México del Foro Social Mundial/Mexico Renewal Group of the World Social Forum
    • October 7 16.00 Mexican Time (3am UTC) mobilisation at the Hemiciclo Juárez, Ave Juarez, Mexico City and afterwards Assembly 17:30 Mexican time (4am UTC) at the Sindicato de Electricistas Avenida Insurgentes Norte Mexico
  2. Description in Spanish:
➤ Nepal
  1. Youth for Human Rights Campaign Nepal
    • Event in office
➤ Nigeria
  1. – Living Values Children Education Foundation/International Youth Summit On Peace and African Unity
    • 30th September: Roundtable Dialogue: Building Capable States In The World in Lagos
➤ Norway
  1. Fredsinitiativet 2022 (Norwegian Peace Initiative 2022), International Women’s Leauge for Peace and Freedom – Norway (IKFF) and Stop NATO:
    • 7th October: Demonstration in Oslo – there will be speeches in front of the Norwegian Parliament Stortinget, then a march via the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs to the Russian Embassy. Among other speakers: Aslak Storaker, Norwegian representative of the IPB. 
➤ Philippines
  • – Philippine Initiative on Critical and Global Issues:
    • October 7 (9am), Metro Manila Zone One Tondo Organization – Community, Art for Peace Workshop.
  • “No to War in Ukraine and anywhere, No to US wars of aggression!”
    • October 7 (10am), online, Webinar on Zoom and FB Live “WEAPONS AND NUCLEAR POWER IN SPACE – Keep Space for Peace Week”.
  • “NO to war!”
  • – Peace Women Partners and ZOTO: October 8 (9am), Urban Poor Community in Metro Manila – Art workshop, teach in.
➤ Spain
  1. – ATTAC:
    • 5 of October, 19:00 CEST – Plaça de la Mare de Déu Valencia-España: Street action called by the Assemblea Popular Vàlencia Contra les Guerres (Vàlencia Popular Assembly Against the Wars).
    • – Federación Unión Africana:
    • 30 of September, 17:00 CEST – València, Calle del Marqués de Montortal, 65 – 46019. Workshop What we talk about when we talk about peace.
    • “Peace is the answer. We call for an immediate ceasefire and negotiations between the parties

➤ UK
  • Lancaster Friends Meeting House:
  • 27 September (12pm) – Meeting House Lane, Lancaster, Quaker meeting for worship followed by meal and discussion.
  • “Our desire for peace unites every person from Ukraine to the UK”
  • Côr Gobaith:
  • 30 September (11am) – Street choir at Owain Glyndwr Square, Aberystwyth, Ceredigion, Cymru
  • “Safwn gyda chi – We stand with you”
  • 3 October 2023 (12pm) Peace vigil for Ukraine in Owain Glyndwr Square, Aberystwyth – A chance to do a simple action to show your support for peace in Ukraine. Bring banners and placards! “Stronger Together “
  • The Peoples Assembly:
    • 30 Sep. – 2 Oct. 2023: “National Demonstration and Festival of Resistance
    • 1 Oct. 2023 (12 pm): “National Demonstration” at Oxford Rd.
➤ The Netherlands
  • Stop the War Amsterdam: On the 24th of each month (October 24th is the next date) we meet at 18.00 at the Stamp Market opposite the Lieverdje. More information available here

  • Peace in Ukraine list of activities;
  • Sep. 21 – Oct. 8 – Take Action for Peace in Ukraine, September 30 – October 8
  • Stop the Killing on All Sides – Implement a Ceasefire Now.  We Want Negotiations for Peace, NOT Weapons for Endless War. Billions of Dollars for Human Needs, NOT for War Profiteers. Nuclear Abolition, Not Nuclear War!
  • World Beyond War list of activities.
  • Sep. 21 – Oct. 8 – This war will end with compromise and negotiation or with nuclear apocalypse. Total defeat of either side is dramatically less likely. So, while both sides are to blame, and while most people like to blame only one side or the other, what matters right now is that both sides are insisting on unconditional surrender, which will not happen — nuclear war will happen first. We need negotiations now!
    • Watertown Citizens for Peace, Justice and the Environment
      • October 3, 7:00 PM – 9:00 PM First Parish on 35 Church Street in Watertown, in person event.
      • Defuse Nuclear War
      • Sep. 17: March for Peace at the joyful 46th annual Willy Street Parade!
      • Bring the kids! Bring the adults! Find us easily by coming at 10:30 am to 1025 Williamson St, in the rear next to Nature’s Bakery parking lot. Or look for us and our banners at 10:45 in the crowded parade staging area at 926 Williamson St. Parade steps off at 11:00. We’ll have lots of peace banners, flags and signs, or you can bring your own. 
      • Sep. 21 – 5 pm – 7:45 pm International Day of Peace Movie & Letter Party to Defuse Nuclear War & for Peace in Ukraine – Hawthorne Library, 2707 E Washington Ave.
      • Defuse Nuclear War & for Peace in Ukraine have called for national and international weeks of action Sept 24 – Oct 8. Events will be held throughout this country and across the world. In Madison we will host four events.  In this first event, we will stream a movie or a webinar, then cooperate to craft letters to editors or commentaries related to the topics that are being highlighted nationally in the two weeks of action. Info on all the events: https://worldbeyondwar.org/madison/
  • Sep. 24 – 3:00 – 4:30 pm, Debate: Is War in Ukraine Justified?
  • Madison Watch Party for World BEYOND War’s conference — No War 2023: Nonviolent Resistance to Militarism – RSVP to warabolition@gmail.com for location.
  • In this 1.5 hour friendly debate, moderated by Marcy Winograd of CODEPINK, we’ll hear 3 perspectives debated: 1) Russia had no choice but to invade Ukraine, argued by former CIA analyst Ray McGovern, 2) Ukraine had no choice but to fight Russia, argued by journalist James Brooke who works as the Ukraine/Russia columnist for The New York Sun, and 3) Russia and Ukraine both had options better than war, argued by WBW Executive Director David Swanson.  In this third event, we will watch a live-streamed debate by experts on the war in Ukraine.
  • Sep. 30 – 9:30 am – 11:00 am Speak-out at Dane County Farmers Market
  • Rotary Park, N Hamilton & Pinckney, the outdoor performance space by the entrance of the Children’s Museum.  In this third event, will speak-out to Defuse Nuclear War and for Peace in Ukraine. We will broadcast our messages “a viva voce” to the market-goers!
  • Sep. 30 – 12 pm – RALLY – TAKE ACTION FOR PEACE IN UKRAINE! Stop the killing – Ceasefire Now! Negotiations for Peace, Not Endless War Saturday, Rally and March from Downtown Crossing to Boston Common.
  • Oct 1 – 7:00 – 8:00 pm Candlelight Vigil for Peace in Ukraine for People of Faith and Conscience. Capitol Square – State Street Steps. 
  • Oct 26, 6 pm – National Bird about illegal drone murder.
  • Central Library, 201 W Mifflin St, Room 302. Discussion following the film. Free popcorn. RSVP if you can to warabolition@gmail.com. In this fourth event, people of faith and conscience will vigil with candles at the Capitol. Madison Veterans for Peace, Chapter 25 and Madison for a World BEYOND War are launching a New Antiwar Film Series
  • Nov 30, 6 pm – Theaters of War: How the Pentagon and CIA took Hollywood.
  • Central Library, 201 W Mifflin St, Room 302. Discussion following the film. Free popcorn. RSVP if you can to warabolition@gmail.com. Madison Veterans for Peace, Chapter 25 and Madison for a World BEYOND War are launching a New Antiwar Film Series.

This Week of Global Mobilization is part of the follow up action after the International Peace Summit in Vienna. You can find more information about the event, including the program and some of the recordings, here. The most important outcome of the ISPUkraine is the Final Declaration: Peace by peaceful means. Cease fire and negotiations now!

For more information:

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