No to wars – stop armament madness – shape the future peacefully and justly

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Date(s) - Saturday - Nov 25, 2023
1:00 pm


Demonstration Brandenburg Gate – Berlin

November 25th, 2023, kick-off rally: 1:00 pm

No to wars – stop the arms madness – shape a peaceful and just future

21 wars and 216 armed military conflicts are currently threatening the world (Heidelberg Institute for International Conflict Research HIIK). The danger of the war in Ukraine escalating into a nuclear war is growing by the day. Innocent people are dying every day. We are worried about our future, the future of our children and grandchildren. We need a culture of peace and common security.

Instead of focusing on de-escalation and diplomacy, the German government is supplying more and more weapons and arming itself massively. Large sections of politics and the media are militarizing society. For the first time, Germany will reach the two per cent target (according to NATO criteria). At 85.5 billion euros, military spending in 2024 will be the largest since the Federal Republic of Germany was founded. By contrast, the healthcare system, infrastructure, support for children and affordable pensions, education, science and training are threatened by dramatic funding cuts. A social and economic catastrophe is looming for more and more people.

The sanctions against Russia, which are affecting people in the Global South, Europe and Germany, are also contributing significantly to this: Inflation, increased energy and food prices as well as the loss of real wages are affecting the populations, especially the poorer sections, and jeopardizing industrial development in our country too. In the global South, hunger crises are looming because grain, maize, vegetable oil and fertilizers are no longer arriving and prices have risen massively.

It is high time for a peace policy in Ukraine, in Europe and worldwide. In the run-up to the war in Ukraine, warnings were ignored and lessons learned on how to avoid war were disregarded. We must stop the slide towards a third world war and a social, economic and ecological disaster. “Peace is not everything, but everything is nothing without peace” (Willy Brandt). Social development, protection of the climate and nature and a future worth living for all are only possible in peace and only through joint global efforts.

We condemn the Russian invasion of Ukraine on 24 February 2022. We also condemn the previous breaches of treaties and unfulfilled commitments by NATO states.

The Ukrainian people need our solidarity. A ceasefire and negotiations to end the war instead of further escalation are in their interest. The killing and bloodshed and the destruction of the country and the environment must be stopped immediately. Negotiated solutions and plans are on the table. Negotiating does not mean capitulating, but finding solutions to complicated challenges!

We call on the German government to put an end to unchecked armament and to immediately mediate a ceasefire and peace negotiations. It must develop its own diplomatic initiatives and support existing peace proposals – especially those of the Global South.

There is no reason to distance ourselves from the policy of détente. Rather, the failure lies in the fact that it was not developed into the guiding principle of the new Europe in 1990. We are in favor of a new policy of détente, arms control and disarmament.

  • The weapons must fall silent. Negotiations and diplomacy are the order of the day.
  • Arms exports and escalation policies exacerbate wars and crises and prolong them.
  • Disarmament! Reduce military spending, invest billions in social spending.

We want a social, ecological and democratic Federal Republic of Germany as part of a just world order without war, hunger and exploitation.

It is time for us citizens to get more involved in political debates again. That is why we are calling on people to demonstrate together on November 25 – the Saturday before the federal budget is passed – for peace and disarmament, a ceasefire between Russia and Ukraine and peace negotiations.

Initiated by the initiative “No to War – Lay Down Your Arms!”: Yusuf As, Reiner Braun, Wiebke Diehl, Andreas Grünwald, Claudia Haydt, Rita Heinrich, Jutta Kausch-Henken, Ralf Krämer, Willi van Ooyen, Christof Ostheimer, Hanna Rothe, Peter Wahl


Friedrich Bernd Albers , Emden works councilor IG Metall; Ali Al-Dailami , Gießen, member of the Bundestag; Dr. Franz Alt , Baden-Baden, former member of the CDU; Michael Altmann , Frankfurt/Main, ver.di Hesse; Nick Papak Amoozegar , Fulda, member of the executive state board of Die LINKE Hessen; Dr. Dietmar Bartsch , Rostock, member of the Bundestag Die LINKE; Rolf Becker , Hamburg, actor, ver.di, OVV; Anke Beins , former HR representative for ver.di; Rüdiger Beins , former works council ver.di; Jochen Berendsohn , Hanover, former works council chairman ver.di; Norbert Birkwald , Mörfelden, VVN-BdA state spokesman for Hesse; Christina Böttcher , Hanover, educator; Manfred Böttcher , Hanover, former union secretary; Prof. Dr. Ulrich Brand , Vienna, social scientist; Britta Brandau , Frankfurt/Main, member of the ver.di trade union council; Prof. Dr. Peter Brandt , Berlin, historian; Dr. Michael Brie , Berlin, Rosa Luxemburg Foundation; Ulrich Brinkmann , Kassel, social scientist; Klaus Brülls , Herzogenrath, former managing director of the DGB Bildungswerk NRW; Dr. Carolin Butterwegge , Cologne, social scientist; Prof. Dr. Christoph Butterwegge , Cologne, social scientist; Hayri Çakır , Düsseldorf, works council at Deutsche Post; Sevim Dağdelen , Bochum, member of the Bundestag; Daniela Dahn , Berlin, writer; Fabio De Masi , Hamburg, economist; Özlem Demirel , Düsseldorf, Member of the European Parliament Die LINKE; Renan Demirkan , Windeck, writer, actress; Werner Dreibus , Wagenfeld, former member of the Bundestag Die LINKE; Michael Dunst , Hanover, ver.di educational organization; Katja Ebstein , Munich, singer; Ulrike Eifler , Würzburg, union secretary; Sefariye Ekşi , Cologne, DIDF federal chairwoman; Michael Frank , Hildesheim, former union secretary ver.di; Peter Franke , Berlin, West-East Society; Bruni Freyeisen , Frankfurt/Main, city guide, senior AK IG Metall; Prof. Dr. Hajo Funke , Berlin, political scientist; Wolfgang Gehrcke , Berlin, former member of the Bundestag Die LINKE;Silvia Gingold , Kassel, VVN-BdA Hesse; Horst Gobrecht , Darmstadt, trade union secretary ver.di; Susanne Gondermann , Hamburg, GEW-HV, chairwoman of the BFG comprehensive schools; Stephan Gorol , Berlin, cultural manager, producer; Harri Grünberg , Berlin, Stand Up Supporters’ Circle eV; Joachim Guilliard , Heidelberg, Heidelberg Peace Alliance; Dr. Markus Gunkel , Hamburg, Hamburg Forum for International Understanding and Global Disarmament eV; Dr. Gregor Gysi , Berlin, member of the Bundestag Die LINKE; Rita Hagemann , Mannheim; Norbert Heckl , Stuttgart Deputy Chairman ver.di Stuttgart; Barbara Heller , Bremen, Bremen Peace Forum; Hans-Jürgen Hinzer , Frankfurt/Main, former union secretary NGG; Manfred Hinzer , Nuremberg, former works council chairman Datev; Elisabeth Hinzer , Nuremberg, former works council member; Prof. Dr. Martin Höpner , Cologne, political scientist; Andrej Hunko , Aachen, member of the Bundestag; Otto Jäckel , Wiesbaden, lawyer, IALANA; Matthias Jochheim , Frankfurt/Main, IPPNW Frankfurt; Dr. Margot Käßmann , Hanover, former council chairwoman of the EKD; Kerstin Kaiser , Strausberg, Slavist, The Left; Alexander King , Berlin, member of the Berlin House of Representatives; Christa Knauß , Hanover, former presiding judge of the Lower Saxony State Labor Court; Monika Koops , Hamburg, AK Frieden ver.di Hamburg; Detlef Kunkel , Braunschweig, former 1st authorized representative of IG Metall Braunschweig; Prof. Dr. Gabriele Krone-Schmalz , Cologne, journalist; Gotthard Krupp , Berlin, ver.di Berlin-Brandenburg; Oskar Lafontaine , Merzig, former member of the Bundestag; Richard Lauenstein , Lehrte, qualified pedagogue, former union secretary; Ekkehard Lentz , Bremen, Bremen Peace Forum; Christian Leye , Duisburg, member of the Bundestag; Dr. Marianne Linke , Stralsund, agricultural meteorologist; Prof. Dr. Birgit Mahnkopf , Berlin, social scientist; Georgios Margaritis , Wuppertal, ver.di Rhein Wupper; Herbert Markus , Maisach, One World Center; Prof. Dr. Rainer Mausfeld , Kiel, university professor; Hartmut Meine , Hanover, former district manager for Lower Saxony and Saxony-Anhalt IG Metall;Ilona Meyer , Hamburg, ver.di Senior Citizens Hamburg; Ulrich Meyer , Hamburg, ver.di Senior Citizens Hamburg; Dominik Mikhalkevich , Brandenburg, Alliance for Peace in Brandenburg; Pablo Miró , Berlin, Argentine-German songwriter; Dr. Hans Misselwitz , Berlin, former State Secretary; Ruth Misselwitz , Berlin, pastor; Amira Mohamed Ali , Oldenburg, member of the Bundestag; Żaklin Nastić , Hamburg, member of the Bundestag; Julia Neigel , Ludwigshafen, musician, singer; Kathrin Otte , Amelinghausen, What to do?! knockout circle; Prof. Dr. Norman Paech , Hamburg, retired professor of public law at the University of Hamburg, former member of the Bundestag; Dr. Artur Pech , Schöneiche, Council of Elders THE LEFT; Sören Pellmann , Leipzig, member of the Bundestag Die LINKE; Mehmet Perişan , Cologne, Hochtief Infrastructure Works Council; Burhan Perişan , Merkenich, works council; Jürgen Peters , Offenbach, former first chairman of IG Metall; Klaus Pickshaus , Frankfurt/Main, former union secretary IG Metall; Christiane Reymann , Berlin, journalist; Anne Rieger , Graz, former representative of IG Metall; Rainer Rilling , Marburg Association of Democratic Scientists; Heinrich Röder ; Wiltrud Rösch-Metzler , Stuttgart, Pax Christi; Jürgen Rose , Munich, retired lieutenant colonel. D., Darmstadt Signal; Prof. Dr. Werner Ruf , Edermünde, political scientist; Jens Schäfer , Hanover, Chairman of the Hanover IG Metall Works Council; Hannelore Schmitthenner-Bopp , Niedernhausen, former works council member IG Metall; Horst Schmitthenner , Niedernhausen, former board member of IG Metall; Joachim Schubert , Mannheim, former works council; Roland Schuster , Mannheim, former works councilor IG Metall; Helga Schwitzer , Hanover, former board member of IG Metall; Prof. Dr. Franz Segbers , Konstanz, retired professor of social ethics at the University of Marburg; Werner Siebler , Freiburg, Chairman of the DGB City Association of Freiburg; Ekkehard Sieker , Cologne, science journalist; Peter Sörgel , Bremen, former chairman of the works council, former member of the Bremen citizenship; Ingar Solty , Berlin, Rosa Luxemburg Foundation; Dr. Joachim Spangenberg, Cologne, biologist/economist; Eva Stassek , Braunschweig, former representative of IG Metall Braunschweig; Paul Steinhardt , Wiesbaden, Managing Director “Makroskop”; Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Streeck , Cologne, social scientist; Haydar Toktaş , Düsseldorf, works council DLG; Ceyda Tutan , Ulm, Federal Association of Migrant Women in Germany; Manfred Ullrich , Dortmund, former union secretary; Gerald Unger , Ludwigshafen, THE LEFT Ludwigshafen; Dr. Michael von derschulenburg , Vienna, diplomat; Hans-Christof von Sponeck , Baden-Baden, diplomat; Hannes Wader, Bielefeld, songwriter and musician ; Dr. Sahra Wagenknecht , Merzig, member of the Bundestag; Dr. Alexandra Wagner , Berlin, social scientist; Heinz Hermann Witte , Hanover, former DGB chairman Lower Saxony; Ayhan Zeytin , Bremen, Works Councilor ArcelorMittal; Burkhard Zimmermann , Berlin, Managing Director; Dirk Zöllner , Berlin, musician, singer.

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