Date(s) - Wednesday - Dec 13, 2023
3:00 pm - 5:00 pm
[English below – the event will be held in Spanish]
A qué hora: 8am CST | 9am COL |11am ARG | 3pm CET
Dónde: Google Meet (inscripción:
Nos complace anunciar el primer evento organizado por la Red de la Oficina Internacional por la Paz (IPB) de América Latina y el Caribe, con el apoyo de organizaciones destacadas como la Alianza Iberoamericana por la Paz (AIPP), la Embajada de Cuba en Alemania, la Alianza Global de Ministerios e Infraestructuras para la Paz – América Latina y el Caribe (GAMIP – AL&C), el Observatorio por el Cierre de la Escuela de las Américas en Chile (SOAW-Chile), y World BEYOND War (WBW).

The Challenge of Building Culture(s) of Peace in Latin America – Various Perspectives
We are pleased to announce the first event organized by the International Peace Bureau (IPB) Network of Latin America and the Caribbean, with the support of prominent organizations such as the Ibero-American Alliance for Peace (AIPP), the Embassy of Cuba in Germany, the Global Alliance of Ministries and Infrastructures for Peace – Latin America and the Caribbean (GAMIP – LAC), the Observatory for the Closure of the School of the Americas in Chile (SOAW-Chile), and World BEYOND War (WBW).
This special event is dedicated to celebrating International Human Rights Day, commemorating December 10, 1948, when the United Nations General Assembly adopted the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. The event is open to the public and specifically aimed at students interested in human rights and organizations active in the promotion of peace and the protection of human rights in Latin America and around the world. The event agenda is divided into two essential parts: The first part includes concise presentations on critical topics such as the 200 years of the Monroe Doctrine, economic aspects, the U.S. military presence in Latin America, social movements, human rights, and International Humanitarian Law (IHL). After a brief musical interlude, the second part begins with testimonies on the importance of developing peace-oriented pedagogies and education, and disarmament. This will be complemented by presentations on the initiatives and efforts made by the organizations coordinating this event, offering practical examples of their actions. In addition, there will be an opportunity to listen to and share experiences with other participating organizations and activists, as well as for the exchange of ideas and questions.
We are excited about your participation in this meaningful meeting and look forward to seeing everyone to share and learn together. See you at the event!
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