Make a donation
IPB’s vision is a world free of armed conflicts and ruled by principles of law and social justice. We believe in disarmament as a way to reduce the threat of mass killing, as a measure of confidence building, and as a method of releasing resources for sustainable development.
IPB is constantly in need of financial assistance, since money for coordinating and liaison bodies is hard to come by.
IPB´s main sources of funds include membership dues, grants and donations, sub-letting. We receive very little funding from celebrities or business sources.
Your support helps us implement programmes with partners around the world and to develop our work through public engagement, outreach to other actors, advocacy and networking.
Your donations and sponsorship are therefore most welcome. Any suggestions of potential funding sources or methods will likewise be most gratefully received.
All of us who believe in the possibility of world peace know the importance of long term work carried out by dedicated peace workers.
As a very old-established organisation, the IPB understands the importance of long-range planning and support. When thinking about your estate, you may wish to consider including the IPB among the beneficiaries. For our work to flourish, a firm financial base is essential.
Please read this document about leaving a legacy to the IPB.
To transfer contributions to IPB, please read the different possibilities below. You may also contact the IPB Secretariat to discuss the best method to donate or for further details of how to make a bequest to IPB in your will.
Donate online by Credit card with PayPal:

* By Bank Transfer
In Germany we are supported via the International Peace Bureau Support Association (Unterstützung des Internationalen Friedensbüros e.V.):
Bank Account in Germany
Account Holder: Unterstuetzung des Internationalen Friedensbueros e.V.
IBAN: DE23 1005 0000 0190 6331 58
Bank: Berliner Sparkasse
There is also the possibility to donate here via our fiscal sponsor, the AJ Muste Memorial Institute, who is a U.S. 501(c)(3) nonprofit. Every donation is tax-deductible.
Whichever method you choose, please indicate `fees’, `literature’, `donation’ etc and sender’s name and address.
Note: All donations are tax-deductible; IPB is a non-profit association registered under Swiss and German law.